lens for astrophotography and landscape?


New Member
Jun 18, 2015
Red dot
Hi all, what would your take be for choosing a lens to take astrophotography AND landscape?
If only can carry one lens with you?
Thanks for sharing your views!

for me, widest lens with wide aperture available. Either Fujifilm 12mm f2.8, Fujifilm 16mm 1.4 or Zeiss 12mm f2.8.

Would the 10-24mm be of any good to me?

The XF10-24 is a F4 lens so not as bright as the XF16 at F1.4. Not as in impossible but probably slightly more difficult.

Concerns would be since I'm travelling with a group of friends, bound to have group shots and landscape shots. And I personally would like to try astrophotography as well. Haha kinda being greedy here, but would the 16mm do a better job for the mentioned role above, or will the 10-24 be suffice?

Would the 10-24mm be of any good to me?

The important thing to know is determine the exposure time to avoid star trails, that is you want to achieve point of light for the start instead of a trails for the stars. The exposure time is related to the focal length and you can use the 500 Rule as a guide.

500 Divided By the Focal Length of Your Lens = The Longest Exposure (in Seconds) Before Stars Start to “Trail”

Example if you use the 10-24mm F4 at 10mm, the FF equivalent FL is 15mm, the Longest Exposure time = 500/15 = 33.33 sec. Maybe at F4, ISO3200 is achievable, if not ISO6400.

But if you have XF16mm F1.4, the Longest exposure = 500 / (16 * 1.5) = 20.83sec, but at f1.4, you are 4 stop faster, however, 16mm may not be wide enough to catch the entire Milky Wave.

So in a way both lens can do the trick just that the exposure timing would vary as per lens

I'd go with the 10-24mm f4. it's versatile for both landscape and astro. go wide open on the astro shots, where nec. you can always offset by increasing the ISO a little... the new sensors are fine and will not be too noisy.

So in a way both lens can do the trick just that the exposure timing would vary as per lens

Yes,it should work but most likely at ISO3200 or 6400, just need to verify the exposure time.

Awesome! Thanks all for the recommendation and advices, especially the 500 rule!
Just to add on, would it be wise to get the zeiss 12mm?

Awesome! Thanks all for the recommendation and advices, especially the 500 rule!
Just to add on, would it be wise to get the zeiss 12mm?

Welcome. I have not use the Zeiss 12mm, ask yourself if it is wide enough and you don't need the flexibility of zoom.

Haha nope! Alright will go and try out the 10-24 then!
Thank you for all your valuable advice!
Hope to catch some nice shots!

Dearest fuji friends! I got the 10-24! Woo-hoo! Thank you for all your awesome feedbacks!
Time to shoot!