L lens worth it?

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ek35vkva said:
L-lens only worths its gold if you're dealing with film photography. Digital photography entails the in-camera processor, parameter setting of the contrast level, post-shooting processing software, white-balancing, etc. Too many things that can affect the quality of the picture. If you want a really good value quality lens, go for Tamron or Tokina. Unless you're one of those shooters who prefer to be seen then to see, i.e. all dressed up with top notch equipment.

I guess there are a lot of poseurs on this forum then....

ek35vkva said:
Having said that I'm an old-timer Canon supporter. L-Lens indeed contributed greatly to pic-quality in pre-digital photography days. Its contribution very much lessen in digital photography.

Sigh, my eyes must be playing tricks on me, I actually thought my 17-40 performed better than the 18-55 kit lens.

ek35vkva said:
Some might not agree with me but its okay. The true spirit of forum is to respect others' opinion and this a just my own.....

Ok, I do not agree with you....

There is an opinion out there that with the onset of digital photography, the REVERSE of what you are saying is occurring. Lenses which may have been passable in the days of film are now being comprehensively outresolved by high resolution sensors. Suddenly even 'L' glass have softness in corners, CA etc, thanks to pixel-peeping at 100% magnifications (which I do not advocate btw). Do a quick search on DPreview or FM, few say that lens quality matters less for digital than film, quite the opposite in fact.

I don agree with ek35vkva as well. i think if you can do it right for the first time , why leave it second or third attempt? same analogy here, if you could take nice color, constract with better lens... why bother to spend time much time doing post processing to compensate the weaknessess of the lens ? yeh, i have no doubt ps is great tools.

I do not agree with ek35vkva as well.

In fact its the other way as lenses which were so good with film are now showing up its limitations with the later cameras. This include some of the L glass too.

Its the lenses that make the picture and post-processing is after the effect. I shoot RAW most of the time which also means I control the post-processing and can tell you which shot is from a good L lens and which from an average L lens.

L lenses offer some specifications that others just don't. I don't know how canon justifies it but its just so. For example, the 16-35, 24-70,70-200 are the only lenses of their range with f2.8 apperture. That matters a lot to me cos i shoot wideopen 3/4 of the time. Do consider a 20-35 f2.8 though. It is quite cheap and the distortion is very well managed.

L-lenses are dream lenses. something like a cult classic. they look good, feel good and perform well. whether u buy or sell them, they hold their value unless its very highly worn and abused.

trucatus said:
So the first L lens to start with is the 70-200 f4 for a 1K budget is that right?

if you want to collect, any L lens also can.

if you want to use, only you will know what focal length i want.

if you rephase the question, i like to get a 70-200 f4 is the budget of 1k enough, the answer is yes for a 2nd hand.

if you want to spend ~$1k on an L lense in production, there're two choices - Canon EF17-40F4L and Canon EF 70-200F4L.

Lensman said:
I have not seen a EF-S version of an L lens yet. Dun thing there will be one anytime soon.

No EF-S L yet, but there's already L on Pro1 :)
Get what you need, it's worth depends on your values

Thank you guys you have been very helpful....I'll get the 70-200mm L first and sell my EOS 3. After that sell my 100-300mm f4.5-5.6 USM ... after that my 35-135mm F4.5-5.6 USM....then sell the 20-35mm f3.5-4.5 USM after that buy the 17-40mm L the plan good or not? And how much is the 100-300mm USM worth now? I know new one is S$600+ can I sell it at S$350???

Are you getting the f/4L, f/2.8L or f/2.8L IS?
Took me a while to decide which one to get because didn't know would be sufficient for what I needed :)

For my S$1 k budget, a f4 will be fine.....I'll have to step up the ISO to par with the 2.8...but it is lighter and I think I'll use it more often.

trucatus said:
For my S$1 k budget, a f4 will be fine.....I'll have to step up the ISO to par with the 2.8...but it is lighter and I think I'll use it more often.

Really looking forward to see photos taken with your soon-to-acquire quality L-lens... Do remember to share... Happy shooting... :)

Sure...I have to depart with my 100-300mm..... can't bear to part with it it served me well....but under utilised...

mpenza said:
if you want to spend ~$1k on an L lense in production, there're two choices - Canon EF17-40F4L and Canon EF 70-200F4L.
If I got that budget, I'll for sure go for the 70-200, cos I already have the 17-40! ;)

Still working towards it. :sweatsm:

Virgo said:
If I got that budget, I'll for sure go for the 70-200, cos I already have the 17-40! ;)

Still working towards it. :sweatsm:

wait for a 2nd-hand to pop up? these to f4 L-lens will be more than enuf for ur shooting needs, IMO. ;)

trucatus said:
So the first L lens to start with is the 70-200 f4 for a 1K budget is that right?

your first L lense should be the range that U need ;)
If U shoot landscape then fo for the wide angle L lense - 16-35mm, 17-40mm,
If U want a general use lense, then it should be 24-70mm ,
Otherwise go for the 70-200mm.

Never buy an expensive lense where U seldom use it, unless you are rich :bsmilie:

juste_millieu said:
your first L lense should be the range that U need ;)
If U shoot landscape then fo for the wide angle L lense - 16-35mm, 17-40mm,
If U want a general use lense, then it should be 24-70mm ,
Otherwise go for the 70-200mm.

Never buy an expensive lense where U seldom use it, unless you are rich :bsmilie:

Hi fren

long time no see. Have u bot your L lens yet?

jeff49er said:
Hi fren

long time no see. Have u bot your L lens yet?

I bot the 24-70mm grey set for 2k :bsmilie:

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