[kuantoh] Landscapes Archives - From 2005 till Present

Been extremely caught up with work and family stuff. Decided to revive this thread to keep myself in track with photography. I hope I can post more often if possible in time to come.



11-07-2010: On one of the island hopping excursion on this fine day, took 7 shots to form this final panorama. I love how the cloud streaks turn out.​



12-07-2010: Taken from the other side of Railay Bay. It was sunset and it was a sight to see the waves crashing in the shores with the sunset in the background. The lone mass of rock tells the whole story. The end of my proposal trip, but with light at the end. I completed my proposal. Now happily married with a new phase in life just begun, a new life will be arriving soon.​

#188 - Colorful Town


19-07-2010: Just behind Tekka Market, around Little India. Some of the trademark of early days Singapore shophouses which are slowly demolished across the island with all the urbanisation and redevelopment. Will we have a history? Will our next generations know or see or even feel how this feeling was like?​