krw's impression of Nikon's new stuff

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Hahaha, so sad cannot join you at the Launch, me in Bangkok fueling my wifey's BBB virus :sweat::sweat:

Hehehe.. different strain of virus. ;p

what about news of D3?

lucky this BBB is in baht..

In my experience, baht is worse... "Wah... convert to Sing dollars so cheeeaaap!!! BUY! BUY! BUY!"... end up buying a lot of things that normally we wouldn't even think of buying.


While he tends to emphasize a lot on his opinions, I think there's always some truth to what he says. And the article about the tripod is no exception, the fact is that with the noise filtering you get these days on nikons, you can shoot handheld at night in the city. I tried, and it gives plenty of good pictures. Of course it doesn't mean tripods are dead, but they are definitely less essential than they used to be.
Sometimes it's important to look beyond numbers and company pr, and this guy does it quite well. He's been shooting for decades on so many cameras and lenses, we would be fools to dismiss his entire experience and conclusions as worthless just because his way of speaking/writing can be a little bit irritating sometimes.

That said of course, it's up to each of us to decide for ourselves what we want to read or not, but it is unfair to line up agressive comments about his website and make hatred for him enter the domain of political correctness and socially accepted wrongs.

While he tends to emphasize a lot on his opinions, I think there's always some truth to what he says. And the article about the tripod is no exception, the fact is that with the noise filtering you get these days on nikons, you can shoot handheld at night in the city. I tried, and it gives plenty of good pictures. Of course it doesn't mean tripods are dead, but they are definitely less essential than they used to be.
Sometimes it's important to look beyond numbers and company pr, and this guy does it quite well. He's been shooting for decades on so many cameras and lenses, we would be fools to dismiss his entire experience and conclusions as worthless just because his way of speaking/writing can be a little bit irritating sometimes.

dun worry, i love ***!!!

While he tends to emphasize a lot on his opinions, I think there's always some truth to what he says. And the article about the tripod is no exception, the fact is that with the noise filtering you get these days on nikons, you can shoot handheld at night in the city. I tried, and it gives plenty of good pictures. Of course it doesn't mean tripods are dead, but they are definitely less essential than they used to be.
Sometimes it's important to look beyond numbers and company pr, and this guy does it quite well. He's been shooting for decades on so many cameras and lenses, we would be fools to dismiss his entire experience and conclusions as worthless just because his way of speaking/writing can be a little bit irritating sometimes.

That said of course, it's up to each of us to decide for ourselves what we want to read or not, but it is unfair to line up agressive comments about his website and make hatred for him enter the domain of political correctness and socially accepted wrongs.
Nothing wrong about his reviews but then it needs to be taken with the Dead Sea.

I salute mr.Rockwell....he is one of those looking at things at different angle with practical reason....unlike other yes man who tents to give one sided opinion.....but then as a reader...we have to use common sense selective and don't just swallow everything people feed.....One good example is his comment on the tripod....I kind of agree because althought I have a tripod, I never bring it along in all my trips....I just couldn't justify the effort to walk with the extra 2~3kg metal pole on top of the already heavy DSLR that I am holding :lovegrin: KRW = can "ROCK" well:thumbsup:

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