KM A2 Review at DPReview is up!

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May 23, 2003
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Quite as expected - Recommended.

IMO, Phil mentioned 2 problem that I often see and read from other owner posting. 1) Soft Image - I don't why, someone didn't switch on the 'make-it-sharp' mode? 2) Inconsistent Focus - Either its a real issue or user simple treat it like a P&S camera?

Your Opinion?


Since dpreview have already published the A2 review, it is time for me to release my review of A2 which was done a month back. Constructive feedback on improvement to the review is required. This will be important as it will affect future reviews, yes it includes, 7D. Thanks.

Click here. :lovegrin:

deslim27 said:

Quite as expected - Recommended.

IMO, Phil mentioned 2 problem that I often see and read from other owner posting. 1) Soft Image - I don't why, someone didn't switch on the 'make-it-sharp' mode? 2) Inconsistent Focus - Either its a real issue or user simple treat it like a P&S camera?

Your Opinion?


These things you mentioned can all be attributed to 1 function on the camera "wide area focus". If you use the point focus selector, image will be sharp where you want it to be. This was identified in my review and gave bogus results initiately. Once solved, results were as expected. :embrass:

dunno if it applies... but I find thats the case for my 7hi too..
The wide focus area... Thats why I solely use spot focussing now..
except when using continuous focus for sports or performance photography


Waiting patiently for 7D (Hope the buy buy buy bug don't bite me first... especially the S2pro bug or the D70 bug)


I'm kinda looking at the different types of anti-shake (image sensor move type) approach....

KM is using the motorised X/Y axis type . This is however not the only way Antishake could be achieved.

I just got to know of one new product coming up next year with the same X/Y axis IS system but it does not use motors. Its working based on a magnetic levitation on liquid magnetic fluid.

Will wait to see if this IS is better,equivalent or worst than the KM method....


Noticed that A2 employs different AD conversion from A1. Is this somethinig that gonna affect image quality greatly?

......i guess the difference between the A2D would probably due to balancing the conversion speed with image quality in total...

They probably had to forgo the A2D to cater for the increased number of pixels to process.

Main processor may still be the same - hence the current speed.
Main upgrade may be from the firmware standpoint....and for focussing, there is more information for AF hence more info for decision making to achieve the faster and higher accuracy AF maybe.....

its all marketing strategy.......

at the end of the day......we users would still have to have red eyes....when newer products are released....which will lure US!!!!


forbytes said:
These things you mentioned can all be attributed to 1 function on the camera "wide area focus". If you use the point focus selector, image will be sharp where you want it to be. This was identified in my review and gave bogus results initiately. Once solved, results were as expected. :embrass:

I suspect that the problem too, but I also seem some pictures that totally out of focus as well. I wonder if there is an option for shutter priority over focus priority for A2. Therefore, before the picture can be taken prior to focus.

Forbytes, your review come out at a wrong timing.. its has been topped by All-Mighty Phil Askey's one. :bsmilie:

sulhan said:
I just got to know of one new product coming up next year with the same X/Y axis IS system but it does not use motors. Its working based on a magnetic levitation on liquid magnetic fluid.

Sounds better. Hopely, KM will improve AS to replace motorised mechanism. magnetic or fluid will create less or no friction, thus less heat and vibration!

deslim27 said:
Forbytes, your review come out at a wrong timing.. its has been topped by All-Mighty Phil Askey's one. :bsmilie:

haahaa, it was done and kept in the fridge for 1 month liao. ;p Phil is slow. :think:

Cannot release as it is sensitive during that time in DPreview forum they were "creating" false notion on diagonal banding and super high noise. They were not giving constructive discussions and if I were to release at that time, they will discredit the review until worthless. Need to avoid all those crap. Remember luminous landscape review on A2 - they gave an apology on the diagonal banding issue right.

A/D convertor... initially people speculated that A2 uses Sony RGBE sensor. But F828 uses a 14 bit A/D convertor. A2 was using a 12 bit convertor. This is 1 indication that they uses different CCD. Nothing to do with large megapixel but dependent on the dynamic range :sweat: of CCD.

deslim27 said:
Sounds better. Hopely, KM will improve AS to replace motorised mechanism. magnetic or fluid will create less or no friction, thus less heat and vibration!

totally agreed :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

forbytes said:
Actually all the 8 MP camera got a Recommended rating. I never check the olympus camera

The one you didn't check is "Highly Recommended" :bsmilie:

The same camera was shot down by MR of LL, for its ergonomic and design.

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