k-x already old news ... time to get ready for the 645D

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Aiyah, so what if it is cropped... not a big deal. With so much resolution, you can crop it at just about any aspect ratio and still get enough resolution. More the issue is whether your computer can handle the large files, so for most studio users, they will want to have tethered shooting.

hmm.. lets hope this is true. then i might finally be able to pick up the film pentax 645... ;p

Actually the prototype design is quite nice...



Hm. Is that really an overgrown SLR with a larger sensor?

OMG imagine the size of the VF?


Does it have in body IS also?

Lol. Who knows.

One of the things that I like is that the exposure and metering system are very logical — essentially the same as on my Rollei 6008 Integral. With the shutter speed dial and lens both set to (A)utomatic you are in fully auto program mode. Turn the lens ring to an F stop setting and you're in Aperture Priority. Set the shutter speed dial off A with the lens still on A and you're in Shutter Priority mode. Simple and logical and much easier to use that the modes and LCD screen choices necessary on so many contemporary 35mm SLRs.

Look! That's the Leica M rangefinder method! Pity the 645D seems to have lost it, although practically I'm not sure this is such a big deal.

crop. oops. :rolleyes:

erh. Sorry just noticed this, I have no idea whether it's crop. Just saying what the Mamiya is :p

Anyhow, I guess the question is how "cropped" it will be. It's really hard to say given that the first lens is a 55. I would have thought the first lens would be an "almost normal" - which for traditional MF (where 50mm equiv is normal) is about 80.

55 is about 35equiv assuming the sensor is traditional MF (which, btw, is about a 0.6 crop of a 35mmFF camera).

I just hope it's not a sensor just a tiny bit larger than a 35mm FF camera (e.g. such that 55mm becomes 50mm) - I'm not sure how that's ever going to sell >.<

(Well, perhaps to the people with Pentax 645 glass)

erh. Sorry just noticed this, I have no idea whether it's crop. Just saying what the Mamiya is :p

Anyhow, I guess the question is how "cropped" it will be. It's really hard to say given that the first lens is a 55. I would have thought the first lens would be an "almost normal" - which for traditional MF (where 50mm equiv is normal) is about 80.

55 is about 35equiv assuming the sensor is traditional MF (which, btw, is about a 0.6 crop of a 35mmFF camera).

I just hope it's not a sensor just a tiny bit larger than a 35mm FF camera (e.g. such that 55mm becomes 50mm) - I'm not sure how that's ever going to sell >.<

(Well, perhaps to the people with Pentax 645 glass)
Sensor size is likely to be 36x48mm or 33x44mm, with diagonal of 55-60mm, crop factor of about 1.3 as compared to 645 film.

Sensor size is likely to be 36x48mm or 33x44mm, with diagonal of 55-60mm, crop factor of about 1.3 as compared to 645 film.

Yeah that's about right, the proposed sensor is about 1.3x crop factor. The focal length for the standard lens that is shown on the pre-production mock-up is 55mm as opposed to 75mm for the film version of the 645.

erh. Sorry just noticed this, I have no idea whether it's crop. Just saying what the Mamiya is :p

Anyhow, I guess the question is how "cropped" it will be. It's really hard to say given that the first lens is a 55. I would have thought the first lens would be an "almost normal" - which for traditional MF (where 50mm equiv is normal) is about 80.

55 is about 35equiv assuming the sensor is traditional MF (which, btw, is about a 0.6 crop of a 35mmFF camera).

I just hope it's not a sensor just a tiny bit larger than a 35mm FF camera (e.g. such that 55mm becomes 50mm) - I'm not sure how that's ever going to sell >.<

(Well, perhaps to the people with Pentax 645 glass)

if its cropped, then old 645 lenses will end up with weird focal lengths. :sweat:


"We've started development and the plan right now is to have it released by Spring 2010," said Neil Bunnell, president of Pentax Imaging (USA) at a press event this week ...

... Specs for the camera are also pretty scarce at this point: Pentax will only say that the new model with have 30 megapixels of resolution. In March, Pentax also announced it would release a smc PENTAX-D FA645 55mm F2.8 to go with the new 645-format camera.

LOL - still have to wait a while ... and will probably be out of reach for many of us ;p

have to say though - the mockup looks pretty fugly :( makes it easier to resist reaching for my wallet!

Come on lah..... this was already on board way before anyone heard about the K-7, much less the K-X.....

Come on lah..... this was already on board way before anyone heard about the K-7, much less the K-X.....
In 2005, there was news of upcoming 18MP 645D due in 2006. There were 645D mockups at shows in early 2006, even before K10D was on sale. Sensor upgraded to 30MP at some point in time. Subsequent announcements put the 645D project on hold, only to be revived recently.

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assumption if one dun make a living out of photography, if 1 were to shoot MF film and 1 were to shoot MF digital, what is the number of shot to reach the break even point where both will incur the same cost...

number of (film cost + film processing cost + scanning cost) = digital back cost

so will they add live view and movie to the 645D...:sweat:

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