Just Curious

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New Member
Saw these 2 photographers about 6.45pm at the bus stop HMV today, the guy carrying a manfoto monopod and the girl carrying a beige Domke bag and they both boarded bus no. 143, i think...
they look like kinda pro to me :bigeyes:
just wondering if they are from Clubsnap too? ;)
if you know who you are, please identify yourself :embrass:

SniperD said:
If you come to down to SEED sometimes, you might just spot them. He's wearing that black t-shirt with the Singapore flag logo sewn on the front left always. :)

Woah...Singapore flag...some sportsman or national representative?

i think you know who i am talking about
cool ;)
but i am still curious about who he is though
actually more curious to find out the lasy photographer's name
i met her during an event before, introduced ourselves and forgot her name, so can't really sleep well until i can recall and was hoping this place can help :D

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