Japanese name - heh heh heh

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junyang said:
Ima nanji desu ka?


watashi wa singaporean jin desu~

Alamak....Wrong le.

Singaporu jin desu.

Watashi wa Kyuzo Tatsuya desu!
Dozo yoroshiku!

Japanese rusty already =x

Hajimashite, Izumi Tatsuya to moushimasu, douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Izumi to obeteoite kudasai.

Btw, Wtf is ninja burger thing? Its funny yet lame.. Lol , bush eating thier burgers....... Also, most ninja's have names ending with MARU or wan2 (in chinese/ katakana)....

Hmmm seems like everyone in clubsnap is JAP pro.....

Btw, minasan, futsuu wa nan jokan syaberu shimasuka?

People, you don't give your own name and then address as so-and-so san lah.
You only use "san" when you address other people lah.

Btw, its jikan not jokan... Typing error... I was asking how long you guys go online most of the time....

I understand from their website that Ninja Burger is planning to branch out into Singapore too.....Wonder if their food is any good though.....but their menu is quite interesting....


I'm Kyuzo Higuchi. lol.

Hmmm.... It says here, Manzo Inaba -san.

Ninja Burger? Ron, you must be bored when you found it. My American friend introduced this site to me about 2 years back. He said he found it funny when he was bored. :bsmilie:

HEhehe Katsushiro Yamada..
Now i feel all shinto Samurai like...ehhehehe

Poledra said:
Hmmm.... It says here, Manzo Inaba -san.

Ninja Burger? Ron, you must be bored when you found it. My American friend introduced this site to me about 2 years back. He said he found it funny when he was bored. :bsmilie:
heh heh heh... yeah.. I was bored alrite :)

how's your application clip coming along? :)

how many of you get mistaken for jap tourists when you're out with your camera?

LiOnElLiN said:
how many of you get mistaken for jap tourists when you're out with your camera?

I got mistaken for a Japanese while I was in Nara.
Was taking some picture of the Kasuga Shrine there, this ojisan suddenly came up to me, saw my camera and went:
"Ii kamera desu ne!" (Good camera!)
"shashin o toru ga suki desu? (You like taking pictures?)
"*&^$*!&#^!(#)@)@_#23%@*@(3f&^%#&$" *Dun understand cos of my lousy nihongo*

"Are? Nihonjin dewa arimasen ka? (You are not Japanese?)
"AUfr2@)#fj20&@^!)$_C)E#*!" *I caught words like taiyo (the sun), midori (greenery)*

After that he just walk off. There was only one emoticon that express my feeling at the time.


when japanese tourists see my photographs, they say, "nani o aru nimotsu no garakuta!"


Kinjiro Hidari here...sounds like a samurai guy...:D

lol...how come everyone suddenly speaks japanese here? :what:

hahaha...mine is Kichijiro Maruyama
:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

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