Is there any problem buying a 6+ yr old Canon 24-70mm

This is a heng or suay issue lah. My 28-80L still working fine until today. Whereas my friend got a 2 years old 24-105L fail on him!

Probably yes after 20 years when there is no body supporting the lens!!
Probably yes if tomorrow there is one magic lens that is 100gm in weight, covers 10mm - 400mm, f/2.8 with IS at say $200... Don't lough ;) A notebook was USD 3500 just few years back and now can buy a decent notebook at 668... I said notebook and I am well aware between notebook and netbook.

So u are saying that I can get a 100-300L for $5 anytime cause nobody supporting this lens?

Btw TS, what is the buying price for the 6year old 24-70L? Maybe when u tell us the price then we can decide for u whether a BN one is better or this.

haha. yeah. i've seen someone trying to sell for 2000! somewhere quoted me 1931 BRAND NEW.

Are u sure you can get at this price in Singapore??? :think:
Maybe before GST or Grey...:bsmilie:

haha. yeah. i've seen someone trying to sell for 2000! somewhere quoted me 1931 BRAND NEW.

I have observed the same thing; when I went to those 2nd hand camera shops, I find the 17-55mm f2.8 is usm selling for $1250 and the same item sold in the used item section around that price or even higher! Used 7D sells for $1950 at the shop and Forum used section sells for that price too or higher!

With such pricing, it seems there is no incentive getting 2nd from private reseller. Might as well get new one. Take the few hundred dollars difference as payment for warranty and hey, you get something new. :)

Anyway, there should be no problem with a 6 year old lens provided it has been properly taken care of. I prefer to get the item from someone I know so that at least I know how he/she takes care of the equipment. Another thing is the pricing, I personally feel that the difference in price should be the street price for a new item minus the warranty and cost of repairs should any parts proved faulty (risk). My 2 cents worth.

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Hi, is there any problem buying a 6+ yr old lens 24-70mm f/2.8L USM (US0904) lens. I'm still new and I don't know the history behind this lens besides its manufacturing inconsistencies. If the lens is in excellent condition but has been heavily used over the past 6 years, is there anything I should be worried about?

I understand that there is no mk II version of lens.

Thank you.

well, think about it this way, heavy usage can mean.. take it out, put in front of ancestral altar, pray to the ancestors to give the user more L lens..

heavy usage can mean use it to shoot many models, but take good care of it while shooting.

heavy usage can mean, throw the camera up in the air and watch it bounce every 2 days.

it really depends, only you can gauge how heavy or how damaging the usage has been.. and even then, there are faults that may show up later on that you cannot really discern at the point of buying the lens.

my advice?

if you can't take the risk, buy a new copy. at least covered by warranty. if cannot, then buy another lens that is equivalent.

The problem is the buyer :)
if you have doubts on it, then go for the new one.