Is Spiderman Losing His Senses?

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Senior Member
Those who have watch Spiderman 3, don't you think Spiderman have lost his spider sense? Don't treat this as a show spoiler but I can't help it.

There's a scene where Peter is riding his bike and along came the New Goblin from behind and send him flying to a wall. Normally, his spider sense should kick in and he would have avoided the slam.

Don't ya think so? :think:

Another thing is Venom.
How can the small bomb kill him when it fell from space and the journey is so much hotter?
The small goblin didn't even die when the small bomb exploded in his face.

Another thing is Venom.
How can the small bomb kill him when it fell from space and the journey is so much hotter?
The small goblin didn't even die when the small bomb exploded in his face.

I thought the symbiote traveled in a capsule?

maybe the symbiote didn't die but i think Eddie Brock got pulverised.

eh, did anyone notice whether was there a spider logo on Venom's body? or was Venom's body black all over?you know what i mean...

I thought the symbiote traveled in a capsule?

I think i remember from reading the original comics that peter was involved in a cosmic battle bla2, and that he didnt have a suite to return to earth as his was torn up, so he took the black symbiote back with him...

haven't had a chance to watch the movie yet tho..but i'm an avid reader of its comics and its history...still keep some with me till today :)

Those who have watch Spiderman 3, don't you think Spiderman have lost his spider sense? Don't treat this as a show spoiler but I can't help it.

There's a scene where Peter is riding his bike and along came the New Goblin from behind and send him flying to a wall. Normally, his spider sense should kick in and he would have avoided the slam.

Don't ya think so? :think:

I am not too sure where i heard this, but his spidey-sense is always working, its just a matter of whether he is heeding it or not. When he is distracted, the warning is still there, but it is not registering in his current state of mind.

In S3, he was distracted as he was thinking about MJ and the ring, so he wasnt heeding the spidey-sense til it was too late. In the beginning of S2, it was similar, when he was on the bike and distracted by MJ's billboard poster advert, and he nearly crashed into the pizza joint owner

Another thing is Venom.
How can the small bomb kill him when it fell from space and the journey is so much hotter?
The small goblin didn't even die when the small bomb exploded in his face.

Well the symbiote may have been vulnerable to a bomb when it is separated from a host.

Spiderman's sense can sense everything except venom in e comics.

Another thing is Venom.
How can the small bomb kill him when it fell from space and the journey is so much hotter?
The small goblin didn't even die when the small bomb exploded in his face.

Dont think he died, there was no body there after the explosion, think he was injured and when to take return in spiderman 4 :)

I think i remember from reading the original comics that peter was involved in a cosmic battle bla2, and that he didnt have a suite to return to earth as his was torn up, so he took the black symbiote back with him...

haven't had a chance to watch the movie yet tho..but i'm an avid reader of its comics and its history...still keep some with me till today :)

He actually got the suit from the Secret War crossover series.

Dont think he died, there was no body there after the explosion, think he was injured and when to take return in spiderman 4 :)

Yah, Venom wont die.

I think the ending was very bad. Seems like they've realised that they're running out of time, and so just dump everyone together for an ending. The part where Spidey and the Goblin team up was kinda corny. And did you noticed that when the huge sandman thumped Spidey with such huge force, he should have already been knocked out cold. Compare that to what happened earlier on when he battled the much smaller Sandman, or even in the previous movie when Spidey stopped the train himself; that looks more realistic in terms of how much he can hold..

And they've downplayed Venom alot.

Nah.... I think its more like a case of, "Fans demand, Fans want. We want." and end up the poor scriptwriter mishmashed everything up and everything becomes a huge mess.

See lah, "Fans demand" somemore... End up a crappy movie.

The professor still has that itty-bitty sample of the symbiote.
I do hope Venom comes back.

I just heard on radio that this is a US$250 million dollars production.

Spiderman 3 can do whatever he wishes with that kind of money.

I think i remember from reading the original comics that peter was involved in a cosmic battle bla2, and that he didnt have a suite to return to earth as his was torn up, so he took the black symbiote back with him...

haven't had a chance to watch the movie yet tho..but i'm an avid reader of its comics and its history...still keep some with me till today :)

Yea spiderman fan here too.I tink they just made up the story.After all,its supposed to be entertaining ma.So they made Harry n peter team up and it looks better?lol I oso wondered why Gwen stacy only appeared now:think:

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