Is a lens cap necessary ?


Dec 29, 2007
I've just got myself an M3 and was wondering if it was necessary to use a lens cap when not shooting.

I've read post about strong sunlight either burning a hole through the shutter or leaking through the sides.


Leondy said:
I've just got myself an M3 and was wondering if it was necessary to use a lens cap when not shooting.

I've read post about strong sunlight either burning a hole through the shutter or leaking through the sides.


as long as you don't point the camera for prolonged periods directly at the sun, I don't think it's reason enough for a lens cap.. i got a cheap lens cap off eBay to prevent fingerprints on the lens, which then resulted in wasted shots when I forget to remove it!! hahaha don't laugh, it happens even to the best of us ;p

as long as you don't point the camera for prolonged periods directly at the sun, I don't think it's reason enough for a lens cap.. i got a cheap lens cap off eBay to prevent fingerprints on the lens, which then resulted in wasted shots when I forget to remove it!! hahaha don't laugh, it happens even to the best of us ;p

This is not the most maddening experience:)...the worst thing that happen is....u tot u load the film in nicely....after 38 frames, u realise can shoot a few more frames without reaching the end..that is when I sweat! ;)
thank god..only happen to me twice...and that is more than enough for me im super cautious in checking after loading a negative

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as long as you don't point the camera for prolonged periods directly at the sun, I don't think it's reason enough for a lens cap.. i got a cheap lens cap off eBay to prevent fingerprints on the lens, which then resulted in wasted shots when I forget to remove it!! hahaha don't laugh, it happens even to the best of us ;p

Yes, forgetting to take the cap off is indeed frustrating.. I wasted a few frames and few opportunities because of this.. I now always take it off the moment i pull out my cam for the first time in the day and would put it back only at the end of the day, when i won't be using the camera anymore.. So for me, lens cap is necessary for long storage, but for in between shots, i just forget it, dump it in my bag.. :lovegrin:

i think we've all had it before... happily shooting with the lens cap on, framing and merrily clicking away on the wrong iso / exposure, loading the film wrongly resulting in blank negatives, forgot to rewind the lever thinking the battery is flat blah blah blah... :sweat: that's all part of the joy of shooting RF isn't it? :lovegrin:

Some of the smaller lens caps are borderline useless. I just tossed my camera with the lens on and hood as a protector into my camera bag really.

My Jupiter 3 has a lens cap that doesn't even stay on, ditto that of my Nokton 40/1.4.

i think we've all had it before... happily shooting with the lens cap on, framing and merrily clicking away on the wrong iso / exposure, loading the film wrongly resulting in blank negatives, forgot to rewind the lever thinking the battery is flat blah blah blah... :sweat: that's all part of the joy of shooting RF isn't it? :lovegrin:

Joy? hahaha! i can't say that.. But when i think about it again, i will definitely laugh at myself for doing that.. it is a joy that comes later on..

back to topic, my MG-1 front element is soooo deep inside the lens barrel i don't bother to put the lens cap if i put back my camera in my bag in between shots.. if i sling the camera, i don't use it as well (well, the cap is also kinda loose, so i scared it will drop and then i lose it)..