IR @ Hort Park and IR Portrait Trial (Special Thanks to Christine and Zylia)


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2005
Hougang, Punggol
Hort Park Landscape





Hi limwhow,

Thanks for your comments.
I am using Goldie IR Filter.
Skin tone was straight out of cam. I just do channel swap for the background.

Thanks for the reply ..

yo limwhow .. guess we are no wiser :cry:

Oh... so this is Goldie IR!
LowLights, this is exactly the one that our good friend Rudy was using!
I think it's high time that you grab another D70 and modify with a Goldie IR... Otherwise you sure buay gam guan one! Hahaha...

Oh... so this is Goldie IR!
LowLights, this is exactly the one that our good friend Rudy was using!
I think it's high time that you grab another D70 and modify with a Goldie IR... Otherwise you sure buay gam guan one! Hahaha...

The Gold is nice and the blue is strong.. :thumbsup:

and not forgetting the skin tone

Zylia (Close-up)
Just added a light touch of red to the lips.
The rest as out of cam.

It has been a warm and humid day but still the models put on their best smiles under the hot sun. Really thanks for their cooperation and hard work.


very nice!! Thanks for sharing...

Zylia close up...:thumbsup: the other two portrait shots looks too blue... it's just me though.:)
please keep 'em coming!

The close up on zylia looks quite okay, but the 1st 2 portrait's skin tone looks too blue for me.

I would prefer to have a more human like skin tone.


Nice skin tone. As mentioned the first 2 the blue is too prominent. I would either de-sat the blue a litte or do layer mask to change the colour of the hair.

My pick is #3. Like this one but would add a slight "S curve" for more
contrast and depth to the portrait.

Good work Bro. Bo Jiao

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Nice skin tone. As mentioned the first 2 the blue is too prominent. I would either de-sat the blue a litte or do layer mask to change the colour of the hair.

My pick is #3. Like the one but would prefer to add a slight "S curve" for better contrast and depth to the portrait.

Good work Bro. Bo Jiao


You want to give it a try?
I still toying around the skin tone, managed to get something but not sure if it is any good.

It has been long since we did any IR Outing.
Time to get all the regulars back for shoot. :)
But maybe not model shoot lah, if not the models cannot tahan. :bsmilie:

Ya, really have been a long long time since we shot together.

Jon should be organising an overseas shoot. Hope it can be a reality.

If you zoom in #3, you find that you've missed out quite a bit on her lips.
Hope you don't mind. I did some work on it. But I did not touch up what you miss on the lips.
Let me know what you think. Maybe I should de-sat the skin tone a little?


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Ya, really have been a long long time since we shot together.

Jon should be organising an overseas shoot. Hope it can be a reality.

If you zoom in #3, you find that you've missed out quite a bit on her lips.
Hope you don't mind. I did some work on it. But I did not touch up what you miss on the lips.
Let me know what you think. Maybe I should de-sat the skin tone a little?


Thanks for sharing boss.
Must ask you the post-processing method next time we meet. ;p

It has been long since we had dinner session together too.
My schedule is packed these days but I'm trying to keep Sunday free.
Time to start all over again. :bsmilie:
Maybe let us go through all the places again. :bsmilie:

Keep me updated about the trip. If it is end of the year maybe still take a quick getaway.

Teerex, Francis247:
Goodness me... Looking at your portraits and PP, I am totally humbled and speechless.
Both of you have given me a glimpse of what IR can do. And have shown me how much more effort I have to put in.
Thank you Francis247.
Thank you Teerex.

Teerex, Francis247:
Goodness me... Looking at your portraits and PP, I am totally humbled and speechless.
Both of you have given me a glimpse of what IR can do. And have shown me how much more effort I have to put in.
Thank you Francis247.
Thank you Teerex.

Like everyone here I'm still learning also. There's no end to learning. Always open to C&C.

You and SereneXMM are not doing too bad yourselves.

wow teerex!

that is a very beautiful skin tone! it really bring out the details of the model. i would prefer a lighter color on the lips, more on the neutral side. that's just my humble opinion :)

wow teerex!

that is a very beautiful skin tone! it really bring out the details of the model. i would prefer a lighter color on the lips, more on the neutral side. that's just my humble opinion :)

Thanks for your input. I too was thinking that the lips are a tad too saturated/strong, also the skin should be lighter too.

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