Insist on a Canon!

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Canon is still the best because of its low price(good for beginer like me)not to say the"L" lens la....and the give quality pictures...the service center also veri fast and efficent... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

for me it is the familiar form factor and ease of use when changing bodies...
in the last 12 years I've had Fuji and mamiya medium format kits for pro work (I was a professional's assistant part time through two years of secondary school and throughout university days and had to have my own set of gear for that) and various Canon bodies and lenses that many of you would call low end (like the EOS 50e).
I recently sold my 50e and the lovely wife's G3 and now I'm looking at Canon again for my next purchase....

However, if I was to be buying my first camera all over again, it would come down to my shooting priorities at that point in time, if I had the budget, it would be medium format Horsemann for architecture and all things wideangle.

For me, it boiled down to technology, price and weight. At the point of time I had to make the crucial decision between Canon EOS 630 or Nikon F801, both were on par in terms of features, tech specs and price.
But I decided on Canon based on the following factors, which I believe still stands today.

* Innovative - Ultrasonic motors, Full electronic contacts,
* Intuitive - revolutionary and IMO better User-Interface.
* Cheaper - at least for comparable lenses and flashlights
* Lighter

Nikon was known to be very reliable, even in the extremes of condition, and I didn't have a clue if the EOS could last. But now, after 14 years of owning the 630, I've only had to change the shutter once due to grease, everything else is working as it should be.

There was a pretty good article written on the subject:

Note, this was written in pre-digital era, however I find the assessment are still accurate in the current digital world.

Bottom line? Both brands are good. However given a choice, I would go with Canon!

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