Insect bite part II

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Jan 18, 2002
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Well...this is unknown insect bite part kanna the hand on my other twin girl...sigh...

For those with young kids out there..becareful..doc advise that they are so prone to swell because their skin still very delicate...





That look serious... wish she recover fast

It look serious... What kind of insect does that? A bug ot mosqitoe?

Since it is the 2nd case, you might wanna look more into it and try to destroy it...

Problem idea what bit her....anyway..gald the swelling has gone down.....guess that why they are twins..they have to share everything!

Originally posted by Paladin
Problem idea what bit her....anyway..gald the swelling has gone down.....guess that why they are twins..they have to share everything!
beware of centipede, if it happens again, i really suggest calling the bug buster.

Did that occur at home? If so, have you checked her bed, sofa upholsteries, etc? Make sure your childs environment is clean and change her bedsheets regularly, especially during rainy seasons. Hope this helps.

hey it seems wierd. where do you stay?
it seems ur girls always kena such jialat stuff! :| ai yo..
see already haert pain. i think for u its heart burst

Originally posted by quackaroo
hey it seems wierd. where do you stay?
it seems ur girls always kena such jialat stuff! :| ai yo..
see already haert pain. i think for u its heart burst

Heart pain...$$$ fly!!! Lots of pampering to do..:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

That looks like an allergic reaction. May have nothing to do with the bug (ok maybe something). If someone is allergic to saliva of some insect, irregardless of how harmless it is, the person will have a terrible reaction. Does any of you and your wife has history of allergy? It has a tendency to be hereditary. That could explain why both your twins has the same reaction. But if it is allergy, this is unlikely the first time your child is bitten/stung, the first time usually wouldn't have a reaction. The reaction may get worse in subsequent exposure/bite/sting. But allergy also has the habit of disappearing when the individual gets older... No one knows why. The pest buster seems like a fine advice.

p/s: Just and educated guess from the picture, me no doctor lah.... so cannot garentee anything....

now that Flare mentioned it, it does seems more like a allergy reaction than a bite from a very poisonous insect.

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