InitialD Race Queen Contest @ J8

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Dec 20, 2002
Planet Nikon
Was there today as I was dragged out of bed by another CSer, whilst waiting saw a lot of NUGgets and other shooters, had a fun time mingling and chatting before/after the show.

Some simple shots for viewing pleasure:


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/80s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


60mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


70mm :: f/4 :: 1/60s :: Matrix


65mm :: f/4 :: 1/100s :: Matrix

Wow!! That was FAST!!!! :bigeyes:

Haven't even d/l mine yet!

TMC said:
I see some familiar faces

The girls or the photogs? Or both?

the girls lor

Wah... steady la espn.. nv jio... yesterday we still discus wanna go a not at.. NS also there.. :cry:

bro espn yr flash swee swee ! next time no need to be there so early liao just go 1 hour in advance

yoz vbs, to be on e safe side, better watermark ur pics man. :)
pics of girls can easily end up "somewhere" else one... :sweat:

a pretty good take i would say...seems like u got a good spot ...

anyway...the photos lean towards the cold side in terms of colour cast...perhaps u want to bump up the saturation abit..


nyxx88: as mentioned, you'll be fast if like me, you live only 2 bus stops away from J8 :bsmilie:

KennyLeong: Somebody dragged me out of bed, else by 11, I'd still be in bed sleeping, was a last minute decision, I was severly limited by my range also. Yes, the Guru was there teaching most of us how to shoot ;)

S11loop: Thank you :lovegrin: All shots were taken at 75-90 degree tilt and espn bouncard (TM) used (order yours today, call 1800-bouncard).

Witness: Actually, I kinda agree with you, but I prefer the colours like this, I did want to adjust the WB warmer but thought nevermind, I was processing the photos with regards to the gal's clothing (calibration point). :) Also was trying to get the skin tones nice and kewl. Don't worry, thanks for suggesting. And oh yeah, I was there at 11.30 with funky, then had lunch before heading over at 12.30, surprisingly still ok, but nearing 1pm+ a lot of others appeared.

I almost missed it because someone mentioned the time to be 2pm in some earlier post :(. Ended up not getting a 'prime' spot -- shot from the side only. But managed to get a good shot of hazekang on his ladder :bsmilie: (at least, I think it is hazekang)

nyxx88 said:
I almost missed it because someone mentioned the time to be 2pm in some earlier post :(. Ended up not getting a 'prime' spot -- shot from the side only. But managed to get a good shot of hazekang on his ladder :bsmilie: (at least, I think it is hazekang)

I dont think so. You saw the wrong person. Hazekang never did use a leddar ;)

Haha thanz to bro spitfire for clearing it up....wouldnt wana be blocking all the fellow photogs behind me by standing on ladder in the 1st row :)

hazekang said:
Haha thanz to bro spitfire for clearing it up....wouldnt wana be blocking all the fellow photogs behind me by standing on ladder in the 1st row :)

Sorry for the mix-up. I thought that guy was you (comparing the guy to your avatar). Pai-seh.

The guy I saw was near the back, with a flash bracket (not sure about the camera though).

espn: you can have your thread back. sorry for the OT.

nyxx88 said:
I almost missed it because someone mentioned the time to be 2pm in some earlier post :(. Ended up not getting a 'prime' spot -- shot from the side only. But managed to get a good shot of hazekang on his ladder :bsmilie: (at least, I think it is hazekang)
i was beside him only think u mistaken someone liao the only one with ladder is another uncle i think hazekang is the handsome guy inside the avatar one :bigeyes:

Nice photos espn! :thumbsup: Taken using Bazhang and Nikkor 28-70mm F2.8?

flash77 said:
Nice photos espn! :thumbsup: Taken using Bazhang and Nikkor 28-70mm F2.8?
Thanks :) Glad you like it, what bazhang and 28-70? You think I print money ah?

Webcam + torchlight only! :bsmilie:

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