If money is not a problem...


Nov 14, 2008
...1DX or 5D3?

For me 1Dx coz 2x CF slots (I don't have SD) and of coz the 12fps :D

Like that no need to think no?

I'll just get a bungalow, set up a business and get many top photographers to work for me. New car, new this and that...

1DX might just come last in my list for my baby to play.

If $$$ is not a problem... I'll get both... and EF 200-400mm

Errr are u even sure of the specs of 5dx /3 to decide against 1dx? For me 1dx.

Hasselblad it is!

My answer has alwasy been.... if $$$$ no issue..... there is no need to ask what to buy.... its a question of which one to use on what day....

If money was not a problem, I'd go with phase one!

money has never been a problem, in fact it can solve most problem. The real problem is us because money not enough.

If money is not a problem.... you buy everyone who replied here a 1DX OR 5MKIII
(we mai tan xim...each one one body can liao)

Got money, I will definitely get the 5DmkIII, no need the capability of 1Dx, and I am not too young anymore, so 1Dx is too heavy for me in long shoots.

Got money, I will definitely get the 5DmkIII, no need the capability of 1Dx, and I am not too young anymore, so 1Dx is too heavy for me in long shoots.
you can always get someone to carry your backpack........ camera...... tripod....... chair........ water bottle........................... when money is not a problem.

money not a problem?
i'd buy over canon! kekeke

ofcourse 1DX.