Hoya HD CPL vs B+W Slim KSM MRC CPL?

Bought my Hoya HD polarizer today; wanna guess which one it is?:


left should be CPL right is UV?

Both are CPL

Left 1 is the Kenko Pro1D, which I, was informed by J3:16, to have better light transmission as compared to "normal-grade" polariser. This seems to match the feedback of another forummer here somewhere.

and then the right one is the new Hoya HD CPL :)

Both are CPL

Left 1 is the Kenko Pro1D, which I, was informed by J3:16, to have better light transmission as compared to "normal-grade" polariser. This seems to match the feedback of another forummer here somewhere.

and then the right one is the new Hoya HD CPL :)

ohhh... lenstip ranked keno num 6 but its the wide band version. http://www.lenstip.com/115.4-article-Polarizing_filters_test_Results_and_summary.html

All I can tell you is that Hoya HD filter are premium quality. Thin, tough, bright glass and simply no coating spots.

The high price commands the build quality. For example Nikon CPL's very thin ring turns smoothly and is light. Unless you require the build, then go for the normal series.

If you are willing to spend for experience, then buy different type for each lens.

All I can tell you is that Hoya HD filter are premium quality. Thin, tough, bright glass and simply no coating spots.

The high price commands the build quality. For example Nikon CPL's very thin ring turns smoothly and is light. Unless you require the build, then go for the normal series.

If you are willing to spend for experience, then buy different type for each lens.

I don't know which to buy now, Hoya HD or Nikon or B+W F-pro mount CPLs. They say Hoya HD have problem of ring detaches and falls apart. Is this for real???

I don't know which to buy now, Hoya HD or Nikon or B+W F-pro mount CPLs. They say Hoya HD have problem of ring detaches and falls apart. Is this for real???

I've been using 3 of these HD CPL's for more than a year now and yet to see them fall apart..