How would u take a....(Newbie Question)

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How would u take a passport size photo?
anyone with exp?

I've never done a "studio" shoot need to ask the pros for advise...

1)Portrait or Landscape style for easy PP?
2)btw,i need a hard copy.does anyone know what resolution should I resize my pic to?
3)i intend to use my 50mm 1.8f so it should b ok?
4)lightning wise i dont see any prob.going to use some white paper as background.
5)anything else i need to take note of?

company always ask for photo,only know how to waste my $10s....

How would u take a passport size photo?
anyone with exp?

I've never done a "studio" shoot need to ask the pros for advise...

1)Portrait or Landscape style for easy PP?
2)btw,i need a hard copy.does anyone know what resolution should I resize my pic to?
3)i intend to use my 50mm 1.8f so it should b ok?
4)lightning wise i dont see any prob.going to use some white paper as background.
5)anything else i need to take note of?

company always ask for photo,only know how to waste my $10s....

Done that for some of my relatives who wanted to apply for a new passport. Very simple actually, the 50mm f1.8 works well for this task. Use a plain wall as background (white would be perfect) and then bounce a flash upwards (with bounce card)

Thereafter, resize it according to the requirement for usage. For APPLES, Singapore's online passport application, the requirements are as follows :

- in JPEG format ('jpg' extension);
- file size is no more than 60 Kbytes;
- preferred dimension is 400 (Width) by 514 (Height) in pixels.


thanks for the fast reply.

btw,zac08,have u help relatives to print a hard copy @ the lab??
if so,do u know the cost for 1 such photo?

y dun juz print it using photo printer?

thanks for the fast reply.

btw,zac08,have u help relatives to print a hard copy @ the lab??
if so,do u know the cost for 1 such photo?

Printing? Well, if you know the exact dimensions, just lay it out and print a few on the 4R size.

I've not done so, so sorry... ;)

please bear in mind to ask the lab for how much they charge to print a photo with multiple images first, for some labs charge extra for printing this type of photos.

btw, if you have a hotshoe flash, use ceiling bounce or with bounce card, shoot in landscape, stand no so near to the white wall, so you don't have to remove the shadow on the wall in photoshop.

If you have a extra flash like SB800 or SB600 you could use it to light up the white background. Also make sure that the ears can be seen and no reflection is on glasses if any.

When processing u shots into correct size, make sure face length is correct. If i not wrong Singapore requires somewhere between 28mm-35mm face length (someone correct me if im wrong)

If ur printing in Kodak labs using noritsu machines, ask for them to print in 4R overall. Else the sizing which u have set in photoshop will be wrong as when printing in normal mode and not overall mode, a slight zoom or crop is applied.

Yup, just crop the photo to 411 x 531 and the arrange the layout to 4R (can fit about 8 I think).

Save as jpg, then go to those 50cent kodak instant prints and print one out. The lady/auntie will say they have to charge more, just tell her that you put it in that layout already and did not use the machine to do that layout (show her the original in your memory card if she doesn't believe u).

Then go home, use a pen knife and cut out the photos. VIOLA! $0.50 for 8 passport size photos.

ok...i was not expecting so much replies...esp pangster's n Frijj'

btw Frijj,y the extra charge if we use the machine to do the layout?

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