How to take a good shot at moon?

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Jan 19, 2002
West Zone
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I realised that the moon is very bright and round tonight. I try to take a good shot of it, however failed. Can someone pls advise?

Originally posted by lewfs
I realised that the moon is very bright and round tonight. I try to take a good shot of it, however failed. Can someone pls advise?

Actually it's quite easy. Sometimes you don't even need a tripod if the moon is bring enough. I just took one just now from my window. Used shuttle of 1/600sec. Even with 10x optical + 1.7x Digital= 17x zoom, all the image turn out very nicely. I didn't bother to use tripod.

If you camera have manual setting. Just focus on the moon, zoom to the max. amount and snap! Take a few at various shuttle speed till you can see that it is not over-expose or under-expose. Turn of flash as it is totally useless.

Mount your camera on a tripod to play safe if you don't have a stable hand.

Thanks for the advise! It works!

As for the failure, the pic taken is not clear enough even with tripod. Using CoolPix885 wif Fine setting: 1/1000, F7.6, Auto ISO, max zoom @ 3x optical + 4x digital.
Perhaps I should get a good add-on lens for better zooming!

are the pics clear using optical zoom? you probably need to use spot metering and infinity focus in order to capture the moon properly.

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