PetaPixel How to Shoot Real Estate Photo and Video, And Why You Should Do Both


Apr 9, 2018
The World
Photographer Kevin Raposo normally produces quick, easily digestible videos that only last a few minutes, but in a bit of a shift, his latest 14-minute video shows how he shoots both photos and videos for his Real Estate clients and explains why you too should offer both.

“Shooting Real Estate photos and videos at the same time is an easy way to increase what you charge on every job,” Raposo says. “Not only that, but it turns you into a one-stop-shop for realtors who are otherwise going to be hiring someone else to do the video alongside you as the photographer. And even if you don’t have a great deal of experience shooting video, Real Estate is as close as it gets to a risk-free learning environment – if you mess up the shot, just try it again!”



Aside from stating that he strongly believes in, Raposo also has covers several tips in the video above. Pulling a few to discuss with PetaPixel, he starts with his belief that you need to prioritize efficiency in order to succeed with this strategy.

“Finding a good quick-release plate system is important,” he says. “Shooting real estate in high volume has a lot to do with time management and efficiency. If you plan to tackle both, make sure you’ve got an easy way to switch from your tripod to your gimbal. These are the two key pieces of gear that you’ll need, aside from your camera. For me, the Ronin-S quick release plate works well with the Manfrotto MVH500AH tripod head for easily swapping between photo and video.”



“Straight verticals are everything when it comes to real estate photography,” Raposo continues. “You don’t want anything in the room to look slanted, so you’ll need to keep your camera level or adjust the verticals in post-processing.”

Raposo provided the gif below that shows how verticals can change as you move through the room:


“But with that said, you shouldn’t be afraid to bend the rules when it comes to video. Some might disagree with me on this, but I think if you obsess over your verticals when working with a gimbal, you’re going to significantly restrict the types of movements you can make (i.e. tilt-ups while panning in).”

Raposo says it’s really important to make sure that the subjects of your photo and videos look their best.

“If the home has not been professionally staged, spend time looking around and tidying up before you shoot anything,” he says. “This was something I neglected to mention in the video, but these things matter. For example, I overlooked the extra toiletries in the small bathroom and should have removed them before taking the shot. It’s a Small mistake, but important to mention.”

His full video is worth a watch for those interested in expanding their businesses in Real Estate. For more from Kevin Raposo, make sure to subscribe to his YouTube Channel.

Image credits: Photos by Kevin Raposo and used with permission.

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