How to make an Orb of Life

mickey mouse says hi and thanks for asking about him :bsmilie::bsmilie:



oh my goodness! this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

....I think i get one of the step wrong ... tats why i didnt get the round shape rite.. always see the line in round enuff...
U see a line in the middle becos the 2 images that you produce had a line gap inbetween... well try move one close to the other and crop off the space at the side.. if need to.. u are there..!

another one
Does it look like a smiling face ?

mushroom with headphones

redsun gets my vote for cser of the month!! ;)

thanks for sharing... now i need to "orb" some pics!!


Stumbled into this thread, realy interesting!
Here is my share:

This is fun and easy! Thanks for sharing so that even a PS newbie can have some fun!

hi redsun,

i've tried to multiply the width by 2 but it didn't work for me. instead, i've tried to multiply by 1 and then it worked. anyone having same problem like me?

Hi All Blue
how does it not work for you?
what do you get when you try to multiply by 2?