How to find Macro magnification of picture (1:1 or 2:1)?

where can we get kenko tubes in sg? anyone knows?

kei1309 said:
wah uncle fai you're really too free! haha

Old already bo si mi tai chee cho...

Hey uncle my new macro setup, handheld :) (now is it 3:1 or 4:1?).
No editing except resize and brighten a bit (Full Frame).


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commonjunks said:
Hey uncle my new macro setup, handheld :) (now is it 3:1 or 4:1?).
No editing except resize and brighten a bit (Full Frame).

Nice... So what's the new setup?

3 Kenko Tube, 1 Reverse Ring, 35-70mm lens with Aperture ring.


I tried doing reverse 50mm macro but DOF was so thin that it was not able to get anything in focus. But using this lens i can set aperture with moveable ring.
Now i need a good macro arm and diffuser for my 580EXII, then i will be good to take some newbie shoots :D.

Here is another handheld test.
Not very popular pupil in the class :D.

It definitely has a learning curve. It's up to you if you think it justifies the high price and if you have the patience to master it's controls.

The whole setup for super macro cost less than $250. Am I right TS? The price is not high and the macro magnification can vary from 1:1 to maybe 4:1. I'm going to try that out too. Have all the parts to do that. Cheap fun.

Lens - $80
Reverse mount $20
Set of extension tube $150

@Ronken, you are absolutely right. It is very steep learning curve and require a lot of patience.
I was planning on buying MP-E 60 but end up having this setup, which giving me quite promising result given that i can understand light.

@shierwin, you are right.
You will need
1- Extension tubes. (175$ kenko set from ebay, around 200$ from cathey).
2- Reverse ring (around 5$ from ebay, maybe 10+$ from peninsula plaza?)
3- 28mm prime lens with Aperture control (check this video, really some thing [video=youtube_share;wqRn3at0H60][/video]) (<100$)
4- Flash with softbox (i order my softbox today @ 6$SGD from ebay).
5- Flash bracket (trying to get one, don't know if can get a cheapo deal or not).
175 + 5 + 100 = 280SGD

In contrast if you get MP-E 60mm it is around 999USD from B&H + 48.46USD UPS charge= (exchange rate 1.2136) 1271.2 SGD + 7% GST (182) = 1452SGD.

280SGD Vs 1,452SGD ;)
All figures are rough estimate.

Now can this shoot be improved using better light?


BTW here how the light setup look like (Ikea light to get the subject infocus)