How many of you received what you wanted this Christmas?

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I already got it 14 years ago in Ngee Ann Poly's Navigators from God bcos of grace and His love for me. The gift is Lord Jesus. :thumbsup: so me never expect any other christmas gifts from anyone. Really thankful for this gift which I didnt deserve at all.

Paul Yeo .. hmmm ... r u that boy from ECE hmmm from that BBS .... U know ...aiyah can't remember.

maybe it's u .. maybe it's not ... whatever it is.... U already got the best gift. :thumbsup:

I asked Santa the same thing.

But he told me to give up photography.

:bsmilie: U guys are really really funny.

Think I can laugh my way to bed .. heeeheeee must read "kopitiam" posts more often.

i was told mine is getting gift wrapped for next year :D
its ok, i already have everything that i need. i can wait until next year to see if any of my 'wants' turn into 'needs'.

Thou i dont celebrate X'mas but got a bad one this time. Mom hospitalise due to dad's bike skidded. :(

Thanks. She is fine, just feeling giddy after discharged from hospital.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: ride safe ! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I wanted a crumpler bag and I received one. The Complete Seed. Its abit too big for me though. Must try to find more things to put in liao..:bsmilie:

I stopped believing in Santa when i saw him in a shopping mall...
He asked me to sit on his lap and stroked his.....

I think I first saw Santa when I was 8 years old.


Since then I always believe in Santa. After I have grown up I find I increasingly believe in Santa more even it is not Christmas. :bsmilie:

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