How many of us here in CS work in a laboratory?

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alan1996 said:
Anyone try taking photo on a microcope with a D-SLR?

but i have tried a c5050z olympus...

i was just being naughty, bring my c5050z to play... cos all my microscopes have cameras already hehehe

I once used a Coolpix 995 on a stereoscope to take a diamond. Also used C3000 for microcope. Hope to use a D-SLR one day.

Wonder how would the results of a macro prime lens, reversed on a microscope look like! :think: :bsmilie:

But all my microscpoes have a camera attached to it already. To remove and replace with my camera, would invalidate the unit's current calibration status and calibration needs to be performed on it. So no chance to play with it liao.:cry:

ipin said:
Wonder how would the results of a macro prime lens, reversed on a microscope look like! :think: :bsmilie:

But all my microscpoes have a camera attached to it already. To remove and replace with my camera, would invalidate the unit's current calibration status and calibration needs to be performed on it. So no chance to play with it liao.:cry:
Attached through the eyepiece.
See this web site

Looks like this one by the Nikon system. ;p

You were spotted crossing the zebra crossing, walking into NUH, with a pair of rubber (ventilated) sandals. Cool eh?! :bsmilie:

alan1996 said:
Update :

9) alan1996 - NUS, in a Dept. in School of Medicine

Guys (and any ladies?), feel free to intro yourselves and update the list! :)
We're all a friendly and jovial bunch here! :D

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