How is it like life outside CS?

Outside is a scary place.

I went outside today and saw people shooting XMMs with big guns and long zoom.

And the girls were running for cover among the bush.

It was like the enactment of Vietnam War.

Not only that cats were frightened and hiding in the drain too.

There were shooters with lightsphere and ladders searching for them.

Then u never save those XMMs with your sword and gun? :what:

Then u never save those XMMs with your sword and gun? :what:

yeah! Mr. Sion your the Matrix right?you fight the evil and save the world?:bsmilie::bsmilie:

Life outside CS should not be easy. Not only do people have to decide

where to buy land and build their million dolllar bungalow
what soccer mom car to buy .. x5, discovery, ML ...
what toy car to buy jcw cooper, gallardo, f430 ....
what portfolio allocation % for cash, bonds and equity holdings
they also have to attend multiple property launches to source out good investment properties ..
decisions decision decisions ....

yup, life in CS is better ... one camera system, shoot, edit and delete, chit chat / complain in kopitiam ..

ahhhhh BLISS