How do you feel to be etc.?

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Kho King

Senior Member
Jan 20, 2002
How do you feel to be etc.?;) :D :rbounce:

etc. is short for 'etcetera' which means 'and so forth' (or, and so on)

Hi...I am just joking. I saw equipment envy forum for Nikon, Canon, Olympus...but later other equipment. If I am a Pentax or Minolta user...then I feel not so good.:cry:

Originally posted by Kho King
Hi...I am just joking. I saw equipment envy forum for Nikon, Canon, Olympus...but later other equipment. If I am a Pentax or Minolta user...then I feel not so good.:cry:
Nothing to feel "not so good" about. If you are using one of the other brands and want to see your own brand X equipment sub-forum, just gather your people (if they are not already ClubSNAP members, get them to join!!) to rally for support in the Suggestion Box sub-forum.

The only reason the other brands don't have their own sub-forum yet is due to lack of strong support to generate enough traffic. Having sub-forums with little posts in them is not a good thing.

Now, go get those people!!! ;)

Originally posted by Kho King
Hi...I am just joking. I saw equipment envy forum for Nikon, Canon, Olympus...but later other equipment. If I am a Pentax or Minolta user...then I feel not so good.:cry:

Time to sell your Pentax or Minolta or brand-x and get a Nikon or Canon or Olympus! :bsmilie:

Just kidding! ;)

Originally posted by Kho King
It is ok...I am a Nikon user...;)
I know that... I was addressing the others but since you started the thread.... :D

Originally posted by Kho King
Hi...I am just joking. I saw equipment envy forum for Nikon, Canon, Olympus...but later other equipment. If I am a Pentax or Minolta user...then I feel not so good.:cry:

If u think this is bad, how did u think i felt last time when i used to be a ricoh user? :D

Originally posted by xdivider

If u think this is bad, how did u think i felt last time when i used to be a ricoh user? :D

Hey! I was a ricoh user before too! :)

Originally posted by ziploc

Hey! I was a ricoh user before too! :)

Which cam did u have? I used to own the rdc6000 before selling to my bro.

Originally posted by xdivider

Which cam did u have? I used to own the rdc6000 before selling to my bro.

Wow... can't remember liao, it was so long ago. :p

Originally posted by ziploc

Wow... can't remember liao, it was so long ago. :p

Was it digital or non-digital? I was tempted to buy the 4 MP RR1 before i got seduced by the Fuji F601. Now seems like I'm still in a minority group.

Originally posted by xdivider

Was it digital or non-digital? I was tempted to buy the 4 MP RR1 before i got seduced by the Fuji F601. Now seems like I'm still in a minority group.

It was a film camera... about 20 yrs ago. It was the first camera that I owned. The first camera that I used was my father's yashica. :D

Originally posted by ziploc

It was a film camera... about 20 yrs ago. It was the first camera that I owned. The first camera that I used was my father's yashica. :D

Wow that's old :eek:

Ah! I remember liao. It was a Ricoh KR5. :)

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