Hoi An, Vietnam

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New Member
Mar 9, 2006
...on a little red dot.
Tot I share some of shots I took at Hoi An, Vietnam.
C&C welcomed.






Camera: Nikon CP5400, dummy point and shoot mode for all shots.

like your shot #4

thou would prefer a wider crop..perhaps seeing the side of the red signboard alittle.
the shadow and light achieved is :thumbsup:

i like #10 but if only just the little girl with the signboard would be better IMO.:)

Thanks for your comments and advice, guys.

Tiger Airways flies there cheap. Worth the trip for any photographer.

Thank for sharing your pix of Hoi An.
Agree with you. It's not expensive to visit VN in general. Now, you can fight directly with Silk Air to Da Nang; Hoi An is some 25 km from there (you can go by taxi).
You may also want to stay in Da Nang for a while (the Champa Museum is worth a visit). And why not, since you're in the Central part of VN, to visit Hue, the former capital of VN as well as the impressive Phong Nha Grotto?

(a native of Hoi An)

Thanks, Tran.
I have visited Hue, and river caves of Phong Nha during that visit to central Vietnam. They are spectacular.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I will be posting them here to share soon.

Nice shots.
U should go nearer.

How much was your total expenditure for how many days?
Maybe I go there.


Excellent shots and beautiful colors. Very interesting place to visit :) .

AReality said:
Nice shots.
U should go nearer.

How much was your total expenditure for how many days?
Maybe I go there.


Tiger airways goes to Danang for seasonal prices. Usually return ticket no more than $100/pax. From Danang, you can go up north to Hue & Phong Nha cave, or down south to Hoi An.
Transport not expensive, around $10-$30/person by bus.
Lodging is cheap there. S$20-S$30/day/person gets you a pretty decent room.
Food is about $10 / day / person.
Plenty of day tours bookable from hotels.
Make sure you compare tour prices from various hotels before commiting.
My wife and me spent about S$500-$700 for a backpack one week tour, everything in.
Oh, Angkor (cambodia) in Siem Reap is a must visit too.

U mean we can go to Siam Reap from Hoi An?
How long is the journey and how much ?


You can take a bus from Hoi An to Danang (about US$10-15).
Take taxi from Danang to Danang Airport (<US$10).
Fly (Vietnam Airlines) from Danang to Siem Reap for US$167 (one-way).
About a few hundred kms - not sure exact distance.

Found another 3 more shots to share.

A open-air stall selling "Com Ga" or Chicken Rice. Stalls as such are common in vietnam. Patrons order their food from the stall owner/cook, finds himself/herself a rather short stool + table and patiently wait for the meal to be served. Patrons only pay after meal is finished.
In this particular stall, the cook is certainly taking her time to prepare the food as all the patrons hungrily wait for their meal to be served. Seated in an opposite restuarant, I felt a hint of sympathy for the hungry souls as I wolfed down grilled shrimp, spicy garlic cuttlefish and cool delicious draft beer.

I was on the Hoi An taking pictures of locals going over a bridge when I spotted this interesting fella squatting on the bridge railings overlooking the locals passing by. I grabbed a quick shot of him in his rather unique bearing.

It was 7am in the morning ... I spotted this lady single-handedly row her boat towards the river bank to sell the baskets of vegetables. Her customers are small-time buyers of her vegetables who will in turn re-sell her vegetables at a nearby market.
BTW, the 2 pink cylinders on the boat are actually LPG gas tanks.
p.s. pardon the less-than-sharp image.

c&c welcomed.

You're welcome!
Tran (a native of Hoian)
NB: I'll be back to my hometown next week, and for a week.

AReality said:
Nice shots.
U should go nearer.

How much was your total expenditure for how many days?
Maybe I go there.


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