High ISO: Will D90 do a good job?

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i would use iso3200 or higher for the grainy effect.
it's pretty much abt how u wan to use it....hehehee

sample image taken by d90 with iso@3200


sample image taken by d90 with iso@3200


maybe can take with low light, like this can see the amount of noise etc....

thanks guys for the inputs.

Yup, it be good to see some pics taken in low light.

thanks and merry christmas...:)

size same only but specs diff. d90 is 12-bit, d300s is 14-bit

can u actually see much difference between 12 bit and 14 bit?
have u tested both cameras side by side?

Please enlighten.

can u actually see much difference between 12 bit and 14 bit?
have u tested both cameras side by side?

Please enlighten.

i haven't tested but my fren has and he told me tht the sensitivity of the sensor is quite different, as in the 14-bit actually picks up details better

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