hi guys, need your advise

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hahahahaha tisSue ..... hahahahahaha....

tissue use to chop seat is lowclass imo.

Tissues.... hahahaha! What a good analogy!

aiyaya wrong liao wrong liao

u must try the bestest one. Low Fat diet somemore dont pray pray
i tink you must try the Harkow and the Siewmai....
those are the BEST!!!!

but veryvery not cheap hor

the harkow and siewmai why so expensive?

harder to carry around.. i think.. heavier means more expensive :sweat:

I think no use go ClubSauce la... The people there always say "have you done a search?" or "google is your best friend"...

yar, i heard there is this Arrogant Chef Goat there that keeps telling people that. ;p

I really pity him...seriously ill on the mind and can spend tones of hours posting all this.:bsmilie:

hello, i thought of all that in less than 10 minutes.. including typing. ;p;p;p

well, just correcting the part in red.. everything else, i don't know!

However, before all the newbies get discouraged and decide NOT to eat from this kopitiam at all, maybe we should just take time to re-arrange the guides at ClubSauce (again). It is really daunting searching through hundreds of pages of threads, especially when as a newbie, you don't know how to narrow the search terms to get the results you want. Plus, not all of the guides are updated. :dunno:

Expecting to be spoon-feed is bad, but having to read through tons of information (from Google or here) without direction is also :hung:

that is true.

google is good la. actually i still prefer books the best. nothing beats a well written book, even more effort to put into writing a book than a proper web article on sauces and food. :)

Yes, you're right. One time I went to this restaurant, the arty-farty chef brought out a dish for me with one stalk of kang kong and some messed up sauce served on a piece of huge white plate.

I asked him what's the dish, I don't understand the ingredients used, he told me "this is art" :thumbsup:

Although I tasted the dish like not nice at all, I still say it's delicious cause I scared my other colleagues say I don't understand art food.

is it..

the other day i went to kopitiam, i ordered chicken rice..

it came served as something thatl ooked like yellow noodle with prawn soup.. i looked at the hawker uncle, and i said.. this? chicken rice? where is chicken? where is rice?

he said, oh, you see la, you just look at the picture, can you feel the chicken and the rice? i have poured my heart and soul into it.. you acnnot see the chicken and the rice.. you are not an artist.

i told him, indeed, i am not.

he then proceeded to throw a tantrum and pour the soup onto my head... :(

some people also say the cheapest and very low tech is pink hole ... I dun really know what is that (sound a bit er.. nevermind) so I tried hard to visualize that as donut with pink colour sugar glaze

some people also say the cheapest and very low tech is pink hole ... I dun really know what is that (sound a bit er.. nevermind) so I tried hard to visualize that as donut with pink colour sugar glaze





Oh thank you! some reference on how it looks like. People say can make one, very easy, they teach in highschool but I cannot remember (may be I was absent when my teacher taught our class). Can anybody post instruction how to make?

Oh thank you! some reference on how it looks like. People say can make one, very easy, they teach in highschool but I cannot remember (may be I was absent when my teacher taught our class). Can anybody post instruction how to make?

make donut?

buy sunshine bread, then roll it up like a baton, then bend it into ring shape.......

then add pink paint in one circle on the ring shape, after that become donut ho ho ho

remember, the important part is to make sure you use the ends of the sunshine bread. this is how dunkin donuts etc charge you so much.. they only use ends of bread loaves!

There is a kind is tibits that is very nice to eat.

In Cantonese, it is called: Yong Meh Si (aka goat poop)

If you want CKT, get those with red rubber bands.. it'll burn up a lot of vitamin M, but leaves a good aftertaste.. or so I heard.

hi, i am new to this kopitiam..

i walked in here, and i notice that i am hungry.. and i decide that i want to eat. i see Char kway teow, Nann bread, Orh lua, Pork chop noodles, Satay bee hoon..

all of them are different, cooked by top chefs from all over the world. all get good reviews at kptreview.com and cooking-resource.com.. this is very nice kopitiam indeed.

however, i do not know what to eat.. the chefs are willing to give me sample.. but i too lazy to try.. i ask you all, what should i eat??

all of you are nonconstructive.

please be prepared to see my rant thread, where i will name and shame all of you.

all of you are not useful seniors. :( :cry:

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