Her first time...

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A few more...






Pretty ... :)

No. 8 has the feel. No. 10 - compo is not bad. Shoot more, bro. :) Work on your focusing and try reading more works by different photographers. One very good place is Bras Basah Complex, second floor, the shop opposite the entrance of Popular Bookstore. The store sells graphic design books as well as photography books. ;)

I like to shoot her, if I can arrange it. :)

No. 8 has the feel. No. 10 - compo is not bad. Shoot more, bro. :) Work on your focusing and try reading more works by different photographers. One very good place is Bras Basah Complex, second floor, the shop opposite the entrance of Popular Bookstore. The store sells graphic design books as well as photography books. ;)

Actually the original image quality of #8 and #10 were terrible - colours were off and over-exposure was apparent all over the place. Didn't expect to be able to salvage much from them honestly, so your compliments brightened up my day :sweatsm:

I recently found out that even with the manual lenses, the green focus dot lights up when the image is in focus. It's not the most accurate, but at least I have a better gauge of the focus now =)

Hmm Bras Basah eh? Ook, I'll pay the shop a visit when I have the time! Thanks for the recommendation!

I like to shoot her, if I can arrange it. :)

DP, sent you PM.

nice try there.. things to take note is the hair and clothes during the shoot besides the focus... guess you are too concentrating on focusing thats why you miss out the small details;)

post production by adding contrast and brightness will definitely get better pix... best is you can have shodows and hightlights during your shoot... if not fill light wif a flash will do the job.:)

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