Help on unknown film bought from Thailand


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
Hello all, it's been a while since I've visited this forum.

Just thought to tap on some brains here. I bought a film from a physical camera store in Bangkok and I'm trying to get it developed now in Singapore. However the labelling is shady, and the film is not well known. The only information I have is the label on the film canister. I'm guessing it will use the same chemistry as most mainstream films, C41.

From what I can read... it's a

Siam Digital Photo
DigitalLab Vision3
EXP 36, ISO 250

There's also some Thai wording that I cannot read, but there's a 250D at the rear. Would appreciate any kind of help!


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This film requires special processing. You should have get it processed in BKK.

KODAK VISION3 Digital Separation Film 2237
KODAK VISION3 Digital Separation Film 2237 is designed for the postproduction suite and delivers black-and-white separation elements that offer centuries of image stability.

Kodak info website info

Likely the BKK shop bought the bulk film in a drum - and then repack it into standard 35mm film cassettes.

Before you mentioned it here, I never heard of this film, and know nothing about it.

After some googling, it's not colour film so not C41 process but black and white film. This is Kodak's solution to protect movie film assets, meaning preserving colour motion films. Every frame is copied 3 times through 3 colour filters and then recombined to form a colour image. It is as close or better as it gets. Download the pdf and it suggests Kodak's own D96 or D97 b/w developing process. In other words b/w by other manufactures will also work but Kodak's d96/97 are made to give certain characteristics in order to this particular film. ( Silver halide which is b/w film is inherently more stable than colour dyes used in colour film.)
Fyi Kodak D76 is the developer for standard b/w film.

Here are the info:

PS: Kodak's recommended b/w developers are designed to give a certain contrast to the film. It might be lower contrast as 3 images need to be combined so if you want a normal b/w film contrast the others will do but still they have different results favoured by photographers so you need to experiment with developing times and printing with different papers but if you scan the film you can post process. Hope this helps.

Edit: whatever b/w developer you use follow the recommended developing time that it advise and hope for the best in getting a normal contrast b/w negative.

Edit: Correction, I think it is a positive b/w "negative" since it colour separation process?

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Alternatively you may have a colour film cartridge. Look at the first Thai word. If seller tell you it is colour film then it could be?
Then disregard my earlier post.
250D is the iso?

Color in Thai is สี /sĭi/. When Thai people talking about color the word สี /sĭi/ can be put in front of the name of the color or can be dropped.

Summary. The Thai translation for “film; movie” is หนัง.

(a thin strip of) celluloid made sensitive to light on which photographs are taken
เยื่อบาง ๆ

photographic film.

Hey guys, thanks for the response! I did quite a bit of digging after and came to a good enough conclusion. Right afterwards I found a fb post of a Thai camera shop selling similar film, they called it Kodak Vision3 film. I then went to Youtube and there's the answer!

Both of you were correct, it's a video stock sold in drum, cut and repacked into photo film, and it's colour! It seems when there's a 250D behind ISO, it means it's likely a video stock (?)

SO.... it's a pretty interesting film that is harder to find in SG, it takes ECN2 process which TripleD does. So all is good now! Here's a shot from it, Olympus Mju2, exposed at ISO100, couldn't set manual ISO, it was not DX coded.


@Tuckzz, you have confused yourself. What Ricohflex and I have identified the wrong film, although it's vision3 it is 2237. A pure black and white film.

Your vision3 -250D 5207 is a motion picture colour film negative. What you see in the cinema is a positive film ( colour slide ). As you can see it has good highlight latitude and shadow too and can be pushed processed. In your linked video please note that the negative is scanned and depending on the conversion software it might take on a saturated colour look but when printed on paper it looks less contrasty. You are looking at the colour dye in the paper reflected off the paper. Unless you use paper that is used for exhibition competition and glossy it will not look like what you see in computer screen.

This colour negative film can also be developed in Kodak HC110 to get black and white negative.

Quote: As noted up top, another option is for you to develop this film yourself using a C41 kit, or Kodak’s own HC-110 black and white developer. (Yes, this film will develop as a nice, contrasty black and white negative!)

PS: you exposed it at iso 100 when it is supposed to be iso250.
Technically overexposing by 1 stop. Plus the sun is in front of camera so sky is blowned out. Colour film has good latitude for highlights but in this case it is also good in shadows, -5 or +5 stops.

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SO.... it's a pretty interesting film that is harder to find in SG, it takes ECN2 process which TripleD does. So all is good now! Here's a shot from it, Olympus Mju2, exposed at ISO100, couldn't set manual ISO, it was not DX coded.

I own several Mju2 compacts. Just bought and kept for fun, back in film era.

You can improvise and set the ISO to 250 correctly on the film canister (BKK bulk film) if it is not already DX coded.
You can buy ready made stick on labels to achieve this.
Or do a simple DIY.

See these

DX code template

Hack DX Coding