Help needed! new camera, white pixels

Wah, new to photography and already started pixel-peeping. :thumbsup:

Of course, I understand you are concerned when the camera is barely a month old and still covered by warranty: after all, nobody wants to buy a brand-new product and deal with defects.

That being said, i hope this pixel-peeping habbit of yours will go away after some time. In the end, a camera is merely a tool to take great pictures, and a handful of scattered dead pixels are unlikely to show themselves after you resize your images to usable dimensions. Unless you are into macro and night photography, that is.

TS' camera did have hot pixel issues...

glad the TS' problem was resolved.

I'm wondering how long will it take for CSC to remap the hot pixel just in case. Does anyone know if it can be done the same day or one has to wait for a week or so?