Help!!! How to handle love?

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To the TS, I suggest you watch this Reality TV programme called "CHEATERS" on Starhub Channel 83. It will give you a better perspective of the aftermath when people get hurt due to flings or extra-marital relationships.

Love is a many-splendored thing,

It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring,
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living,
The golden crown that makes a man a king.


As usual, delivering something that isn't helpful.

I've a different perspective with some questions for self-reflection. Why are these attractive features not present in the current partner? If not, what else did you see that was more valued to you? Have both of you grown together in terms of living out life?

Next question, do you trust each other enough to share these feelings? If not, perhaps it's time for both to deepen the relationship further.

I guess most of us have experienced the feeling of falling in love. The feeling is so electrifying that we constantly crave for it purposely or subconsciously.

The big problem is that you are already attached or married and this lovely lady/man at work suddenly comes into your life. Work brings you both together, his /her mysterious senses arouse your curiosity, his/her personality impressed you, his/her sense of humor mesmerizes you; his/her beauty face march up and down in your skull 24/7. Most importantly he/she gives you that splendid feeling of falling in love once more.

Have you ever been in this situation? And how would you handle this situation?
Are we built in such a way that we can fall in love a lot of times and love not just one person?

ah boy, go and get a life ....

*Shrug* It is true what you said isn't helpful.In what way did you help him? I reckon that is more to confuse him rather than arriving at a conclusion.

And yes I already pretty much have a life, if not I wouldn't be talking to you :).

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