help: E510 auto shut down problem

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New Member
Apr 14, 2009
My almost 2 years E510 now have tis problem.
it will auto shutdown or work in wrong mode (e.g. i turn to Aperture mode but it still stay at Program mode)
is this a common problem for olympus E-series?
where can i send it to repair?
and normally how much will the charges be?
thank you!

never heard of such a thing. Think best to send down to OSC to service.OSC is located at Valley Point at River Valley

hmm , my E-3 doesnt have the same problem,
but a similar one.

sometimes the camera will just die off by itself like that.
not as in when its in standby mode, but when i focus, beeps !! , then click..the camera goes dead !!

have to put the switch to off then on again.
i only assume that the battery is going to be flat soon thats why it happens ??

i dint bring it to OSC cuz i feel, small issue, as long my batt is fresh of the charger its ok and will last, only when i sometimes left it out after a shoot. then put it in to use for abit again.
and ya, short of notes to after buying my new lenses !!!

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