Has anyone bought from Chinatown?

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
Just curious...

there have been constant talks of shops in Chinatown (or more accurately Pearl Centre) that sell cameras really cheaply, cheaper than AP or CP. Someone even said before, that we are silly to support AP and CP thinking that they give us the best prices and support, when shops in chinatown offer lower prices.

So I'd like to find out, if anyone has successfully bought a camera from any shop in chinatown, subjected to the following:

1) the price is confirmed to be lower than AP or CP
2) no pressure to buy extra accessories
3) with valid warranty card and stamp
4) if applicable, with free gifts as promised by manufacturer
5) not parallel import
6) not display unit
7) no excuses that there is no stock, etc....

Just a simple survey...which I think most of us are interested in as well. :)

So, anyone?

Originally posted by Tweek
Just curious...

there have been constant talks of shops in Chinatown (or more accurately Pearl Centre) that sell cameras really cheaply, cheaper than AP or CP. Someone even said before, that we are silly to support AP and CP thinking that they give us the best prices and support, when shops in chinatown offer lower prices.

So I'd like to find out, if anyone has successfully bought a camera from any shop in chinatown, subjected to the following:

1) the price is confirmed to be lower than AP or CP
2) no pressure to buy extra accessories
3) with valid warranty card and stamp
4) if applicable, with free gifts as promised by manufacturer
5) not parallel import
6) not display unit
7) no excuses that there is no stock, etc....

Just a simple survey...which I think most of us are interested in as well. :)

So, anyone?

No offence to your post, but my take is always:

Why go through so much agony in patronising such stores with poor service and those questions you mentioned? Is it really that much to spend a little more to go to a more reputable shop, one that offers better service and buy your stuff from them, which will probably give you a better peace of your mind? :) You are already spending like $1300 (for e.g.), so what's $30 more?

Support shops with good service. They are really worth the extra money. Giving them your support will encourage them to maintain their good service. Supporting those shops which practices the points you mention only encourages them to do so.

A good shop can even let you exchange goods one-to-one if it develops a problem, even after 1 month has passed after you bought the product. Believe me, I tried this twice already.

Again, no offence, just expressing my 2 stops worth of opinion. :)


Some shops are good but maybe not all the salespersons :( I guess big retailers provide more consistent services and is more reliable in the long run.

Originally posted by ckiang

No offence to your post, but my take is always:

Why go through so much agony in patronising such stores with poor service and those questions you mentioned? Is it really that much to spend a little more to go to a more reputable shop, one that offers better service and buy your stuff from them, which will probably give you a better peace of your mind? :) You are already spending like $1300 (for e.g.), so what's $30 more?

Support shops with good service. They are really worth the extra money. Giving them your support will encourage them to maintain their good service. Supporting those shops which practices the points you mention only encourages them to do so.

A good shop can even let you exchange goods one-to-one if it develops a problem, even after 1 month has passed after you bought the product. Believe me, I tried this twice already.

Again, no offence, just expressing my 2 stops worth of opinion. :)


No worries ckiang, not possible to have any offence taken, cos I share your sentiments. Actually, I posted the above question to find out if there really is anyone who managed to get cameras cheaply from chinatown. So far I've heard a lot of talk, but no verification. It's just a survey to quench my curiosity. I'm still a regular customer of AP and CP, though I am trying not to be soooo regular to do some good to my wallet. ;)

Originally posted by Tweek

No worries ckiang, not possible to have any offence taken, cos I share your sentiments. Actually, I posted the above question to find out if there really is anyone who managed to get cameras cheaply from chinatown. So far I've heard a lot of talk, but no verification. It's just a survey to quench my curiosity. I'm still a regular customer of AP and CP, though I am trying not to be soooo regular to do some good to my wallet. ;)

Well, probably not a lot of people, if any. Those shops simply have too much crap. :)


Originally posted by ckiang

Well, probably not a lot of people, if any. Those shops simply have too much crap. :)


Just wanna share my experiences shopping for DCs in Chinatown/Pearl Centre/People's Park wif u ppl.

Take the Fujifilm FinePix 2800 Zoom for example....

Heard some ppl say that it can be bought @ $580 (can't be verified...no concrete proof...mainly say only) in Chinatown....blah blah blah....when the mkt price is ard $650, cos I bought one @ $645 from AP in 12/01, incl. GST + a few freebies.

Went Chinatown there personally to chk...where got? All prices are higher than $650!!! More like $680 ~ $700 (some don't incl. GST for this price). Bargain (for the fun of it) until face green green also cannot get $650!!!

Another example......the Olympus C-2100 Ultra Zoom.....those Chinatown shopkeepers quote something like $1450 ~ $1600....still dare say the usual price is $1999 (list price) and the price they quoted got deep discount already some more!!!

In the end got one last month (1/02) from AP @ $950 (incl. GST + free Hoya UV filter + lostsa freebies from Olympus S'pore).

So what do u guys think????

Originally posted by Jayan

Take the Fujifilm FinePix 2800 Zoom for example....

Heard some ppl say that it can be bought @ $580 in Chinatown blah blah blah....when the mkt price is ard $650 (bought one from AP in 12/01).

Went Chinatown there personally to chk...where got? All price are higher than $650!!!

All talk but no proof. ;(

If the price is $580, you will see all the points mentioned by Tweek. Happens to other shops with a ridiculously low price too. I've even heard stories about unscrupulous shops unbundling the charger, etc and selling them as extras for extra cost. By the time you add all up, it's way above market price.


Originally posted by ckiang

If the price is $580, you will see all the points mentioned by Tweek. Happens to other shops with a ridiculously low price too. I've even heard stories about unscrupulous shops unbundling the charger, etc and selling them as extras for extra cost. By the time you add all up, it's way above market price.


Totally agree.....these are the shops that give S'pore a bad name!!! ;(

Like that tourists where got dare to come buy things again?!?!

Originally posted by Jayan

Totally agree.....these are the shops that give S'pore a bad name!!! ;(

Like that tourists where got dare to come buy things again?!?!

Right. The best way is not to support them. Don't buy anything from them. :)


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