Hantu dive

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Wow, nice! the Nudi-beauties in our own backyard... The seahorse photo is very nice.
Wonder when i will pick up the courage to dive in the backyard - bad viz n strong currents r not my cup of tea... ;p Maybe seeing more great photoes like these will help... ;)

Hantu is not as bad as you think. It will not compare to many of the regional diving destinations, however having dived Hantu on a regular basis for a few years now I would say 9 out of 10 dives are still interesting. You have to adjust your expectations (e.g. not much opportunity to see big things, but it is out there even the occasional shark), just dive slow and keep your eyes open for colorful small stuff.

Go check out http://www.pulauhantu.org/. Don't worry too much about current and viz. The current is not that bad (if you time your dives rights) and viz has been relative good lately for Hantu. Go local Dive local :)

To the OP sorry to go OT, but could not resist to do some PR for Hantu it is time people start to appreciate their local waters more. Liked your photo's

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well, i'm not expert on this ...
i just play with strobe position ...
sometime it's hit and miss ...
if miss, still can using photoshop to edit it.
the pic above is edited while cleaning up the backscatter...
paiseh :sweat:

Some basic ways to get a dark background. First of all the background behind your subject needs to be relatively clear, the camera settings to high f-stop (f8 on most p&s cameras), and a higher shutter speed (1/250 or higher is a good starting point). Play around with the strobe placement and settings so that only the subject is lighted and the strobe doesn't light up the background. Shooting level with the subject or slightly upwards works best.

Thanks lot gentlemen!!!
I'll give it a try. Even if I've got the feeling my camera is slightly too automatic to get this kind of nice result...
Well, we'll see :)

Not sure what some posters mean when they say "strong currents". Almost all the islands in Singapore can be dived, if you choose the right time. The "right time" is either two hours before and two hours after the lowest or highest tide, or (depending on the site) whether it is "protected" during the rising or ebbing tide.

You can check out the Hantu Blog or BWV's blog, or my flickr to see how clear Singapore waters can be :)

Cheers, Jeff

well, i figure out that the "strong current" word might lead to some confusion ...
then i think i need to change the "strange current" ... at least for me.
i did there twice ... just feel that most of the time the water was calm and clear ...
i even see got some ppl took jelly fish shot with blue background ...

but for my situation, sometime suddenly it can be a short current flow...
and bring up the slit while i taking my shot...
and then stop again... :confused:
it's just my experience. :angel:
overall, it was a nice dive place despite the visibility. :thumbsup:

Ya, time to PR a bit for Hantu or local waters. Have not been in this forum for quite some time. You will be surprised about the stuff you can find here. That's what keeps me going too. Just go slow and the fun lies in searching as well. ;)

Ya, time to PR a bit for Hantu or local waters. Have not been in this forum for quite some time. You will be surprised about the stuff you can find here. That's what keeps me going too. Just go slow and the fun lies in searching as well. ;)

i'd second that last part..
never find it fruitful to convince those who don't want to be convinced, so less for them, more for us..

Nice nudi and seahorse u have there! :)

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