Guest bands @ SMM-IBO Qualifying Round2.

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Senior Member
May 13, 2006
Volcano Land
For my own reasons, I will not post pictures of the qualifying bands yet...

But here are some of the guest appearances at the 2nd round of the Indie Band Obsession event which is sponsored by Star Mild and held at the campus of Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST), which took place on 11 November 2007, Saturday.

The opening set for the evening was the hosting university's very own band. Musik Dewantara UST.




And the final closing set for the night... Sastro Moeni.



That's all for this weekend folks. Hope you like them :) Any critique and comments would be more than welcomed.

wow! they are perfect in B&W. bravo!

wah! awesome! :thumbsup: i :heart: #4 n #5!

finally get to see ur works! keep more of them coming!

woah.... nice series... love it....:thumbsup:

SolBadGuy: Heh.. thanks. Not the first time posting leh :bsmilie: Maybe not as often as the other members though, so the thread gets buried pretty fast.

andrew: Thanks :)

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