goodbye C730... HALLO C770!!

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New Member
Feb 20, 2004
hi guys&gals!
2 nites i posted a thread in the NIKON section, lamenting about how i 'killed' my C730 and whether i should get a D70. well, fate happens as such that i ended up with a C770 last nite and i'm glad to say i'm pretty happy with it!!

here goes:

got the deal for $899 last nite at harvey norman. (couldnt bear the withdrawal symptoms of not having a cam in my hand) 24 months installments. so abt $37 each month. still manageable lah. decided to drop the nikonD70, way over my budget.. sigh..

loads of improvement from C730 and i love it!! belly happy, but still sad over the dead 730.. will bring it for a repair quotation when i have time, see how bad damage is. not pinning too much hopes. but no harm trying i guess.. tho performance may nt be as good liao :(

C-770 from dpreview is the US version i think. mine is the silver one thats in the AU market... slight diff. in the batt.

4megapix, still retaining 10x optical zoom, lighter, smaller, more ergonomic, thicker strap on both sides, making it balanced, easier&lighter to carry than the previous lopsided design which spins around easily (stupid design really!), movie clip (640x480) at 30fps (twice faster than 730) at mpeg 4 quality (best so far and smaller in file format), and it allows movie clips to be taken in black&white and sepia tones! (really cool! can make b&w movies liao!), bigger LCD monitor (1.8"), super macro at 3cm,comes with remote control and i got freebies such as 7in1 cardreader ($48) and a mini tripod and lens cleanser ($28) free! and a $10 off the lithium battery! (yes, good riddance to the cumbersome 4AA batteries!) and oh, picbridge compatible.

and best of all, i get to reuse my xDcards!! and my learning curve is less steep cuz i already am wellversed with the Olympiads.. ;) figured i really didnt wanna spend anymore to get compactflashes nor SDs.. only brands using xD were fujifilm and Olympus.

there u go!
cant wait to start playing with it! (battery's still charging!) :D

Good choice buy! Looks like no other digicam has the same feature set as the Olympus, if not, I would recommend other competitive cams.

Do share your pics with us, esp compare 730 with 770.


njoy, hope to see some sample shot from this cam :D

hee... the sales guy was trying dam hard to convince me that the C750 was 'better' than the C770 cuz its 'heavier'. i was like 'duh..' i'm a girl leh, i'd go for the lighter, smaller, packed with heavy duty stuff anytime man! so anyway, i was NOT convinced at all :p surely there HAS to be a reason why a 770 was designed. got my friend to do a quick check over dpreview and with that, i made my decision. fuss and pain free :D

d only catch he managed to find?
twas 'made in china' (no offense, pls) (cuz the 750 was made in japan, d revelation after pealing off the sticker at the base) but heck.. D70 was made in thailand, (so are loads of original cheapo triumph bras) hee.... :blah:

Kind of surprised that the supposedly better and faster C770 actually costs less than C750. Any ideas if the black version will be available in Singapore?

xmen2003 said:
Kind of surprised that the supposedly better and faster C770 actually costs less than C750. Any ideas if the black version will be available in Singapore?

yeah, i was thinking that too...
not sure bot the black version.. its similar, cept that batteries are 4AAs.
in fact, alot of places didnt have the C770. courts didnt, best denki didnt.. only harvey norman (parkway) had..

furrypaws said:
yeah, i was thinking that too...
not sure bot the black version.. its similar, cept that batteries are 4AAs.
in fact, alot of places didnt have the C770. courts didnt, best denki didnt.. only harvey norman (parkway) had..

Actually I prefer AAs cos they are cheap and long lasting. :D

xmen2003 said:
Actually I prefer AAs cos they are cheap and long lasting. :D

leh cheh leh.. ;p
whenever i'm changing the batt, sure 1 or 2 will drop one..
pling pling plong plong.. mebbe its just me lah ha? :blah:
butter fingers.. hee....

furrypaws said:
leh cheh leh.. ;p
whenever i'm changing the batt, sure 1 or 2 will drop one..
pling pling plong plong.. mebbe its just me lah ha? :blah:
butter fingers.. hee....

Actually same here. So normally I will find a good place and sit down to do it. :)

770 is very new, maybe that's why not available in many places yet. 750 is old, meaning low production, meaning no more in promotion, meaning more expensive. I've seen this phenomenon on Canon IXUS as well.

The guy trying to push for 750 just want to clear stock lah. :bsmilie:

Doesn't matter if it's made in wherever, since it's covered by warranty. But that's also one reason why 770 can be sold at a lower price.

xmen2003, your comment on battery doesn't apply in 2004 anymore lah. Lithium batteries can last as long. My Canon S45 battery lasts one full year without any performance degradation when I sold it off. Like furrypaws mentioned, a single cell Lithiums are easier to replace on the move. The only benefit for AA rechargeables is you can reuse it on other electronic appliances.

furrypaws said:
......cant wait to start playing with it! (battery's still charging!) :D

Hi furrypaws. Congraturation!

Heard that the auto focus under dim light condition in C770 perform much better than its previous version.

How true is it?


congrats, congrats. :cheers:

Raymondb said:
Hi furrypaws. Congraturation!

Heard that the auto focus under dim light condition in C770 perform much better than its previous version.

How true is it?


hi raymond,
after 2 nights of fiddling with the cam, i cant really tell if the AF under dim light condition is much better.. it still takes a while to try to find the AF, but what i did notice is that its much quieter for the 770. for my 730.. i can literally hear the mechanism moving.. trying to find a stable focuz, and quite often, the focus doesnt stay even tho its already sharp. for the 770, it remains focused. till i snap. thats what i've gathered so far.

will update all again after i gather more observations :D

Some other wonderful things about C-770 Movie UZ:

* It has 14x Optical Zoom at 2MP!
* Smallest 10x Zoom camera!
* Using TruePic Turbo Image Processor, much faster compared to C-730 and C-750!

Great leap by Olympus in the mega zoom camera. If only they were to incoporate Anti-Shake CCD or Image Stablizier... (are you listening Oly?) hee..


How much memory is included in the package and any additional memory being bundled in? How much is the lithium battery?

Bean said:

How much memory is included in the package and any additional memory being bundled in? How much is the lithium battery?

hello bean, only 16mb xD card given.
but i inheritated my previous 128mb so no need to spend another bomb buying some other formats ;p

the lithium was $65. managed to cut down to $55 :)

for the 128mb, the recording time was 7min plus. at very good quality. with sound. just caught some clips of mommy cat licking baby girl... baby girl licking mommy cat.. sho shweeet...

*image capture from the clip*


furrypaws said:
for my 730.. i can literally hear the mechanism moving.. trying to find a stable focuz, and quite often, the focus doesnt stay even tho its already sharp. for the 770, it remains focused. till i snap. thats what i've gathered so far......

So, does this mean that under the similar dim light condition, the C770 will focus on subjects that the C730 were unable to?


Raymondb said:
So, does this mean that under the similar dim light condition, the C770 will focus on subjects that the C730 were unable to?


hi raymond, sorry for late reply.
needed some time with experimentation..

hm.. i cant be very sure, frankly.
but the mechanisms does seem alot smoother and less awkward..
u know how its like with a 10x optical zoom.. alot of movement inside.
hm.. it does seem to be able to AF faster..and stay focus tad longer..
its not OBVIOUS diff lah.. but more of a feeling.. and i do feel it has improved overall :thumbsup:

another observation is.. the AUTO mode seem to perform alot better than 730. in the past, my AUTO was hardly ever used. the pic always turn out quite koyak, unless its outdoors, bright sunlight. indoors, always blurr, over exposed etc.. so i never use it. used other modes like shutter-priority to tweak it to the best i can.. often ISO400 used, drawback is of cuz the noise lah :(

color wise.. hm.. i always think canon is tad too oversaturated for my liking.. ie. the blue hues, are too bluish, yellow, too yellowish.. and olympus too under saturated?? never tried tweaking up the saturation button b4 but will try. frankly i think fujifilm has the nicest color tone.. whereas my friend's sony always is more to the reddish tones.. just my experience and observation. the rest are free to debate.. mebbe the right settings werent used thats all..

read in a digimag yesterday that D70 or rather, nikon is known for their soft images.. cuz they'd rather be on the conversative side, cuz can still salvage mah. underexposure always better than overexposure... correct? :dunno:

Hi furrypaws,
I just got my c770 too, with 256mb and extra battery cost me $975 in sim lim. Light in weight n cool looking metallic silver. Some newly added fuctions compare to my old olympus c4000.

I got a question to ask you, do u know how to switch on the view finder ?


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