G7 Expedition Traveller Malaysia Trip June 09

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U not going mah..... Join us for the trip next week lah, then u are invited for dinner tonite. :bsmilie:

faint... haiz.. not i dun want to go.. i can't go.. wait i kena quarantine, then i in trouble lor

Singapore is more dangerous than malaysia cos got more cases here. Then u cannot go out of ya house liao.

haiz.. i know lor... i very careful now, coz if i leave the country, i kena temperature scan mah, that's the risk.

Hi all,

I noticed that there is 1 more spot open, wonder if i can still join in?

Trip Update on 16th June 2009

Convoy Listing
Leading Car - Ambious
Mid Car - harnamsc
Trailing Car - MLSK

Confirm going
Group 1
1. Ambious - Confirm
2. Marctheworld - Confirm
3. Phoakm - Confirm
4. Fireemblem - Confirm

Group 2
5. harnamsc - Confirm
6. LotusFairy - Confirm
7. Goldie9009 - Confirm
8. Dan - Confirm

Group 3
9. MLSK - Confirm
10. Pearlang - Confirm
11. Pearlang's friend - Confirm
12. MLSK's Wife - Confirm

Hotel Room Arrangements

Room 1 - Room Book
1. Ambious - Paid
2. Marctheworld - Paid
3. Phoakm - Paid
4. Fireemblem - Unpaid

Room 2 - Room Book
5. harnamsc - Paid
6. Dan - Paid
7. MLSK - Paid
8. Goldie9009 - Paid

Room 3 (Self Book) - Room Book ***
1. Pearlang
2. Pearlang's friend
3. MLSK's Wife
4. LotusFairy - Paid

*** Pearlang book the room on her own. Hence, no deposit necessary. Those who are sharing in Pearl's room, kindly check with her on the amount that needs to be paid to her.

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:lovegrin: and i havent clear my CF cards from the previous trip 2 weeks ago ...:sweat:

:lovegrin: and i havent clear my CF cards from the previous trip 2 weeks ago ...:sweat:


U got 5 choice....

1. Download them
2. Delete them
3. Don't shoot during this trip
4. Say the magic word and it auto transfer
5. Burn up ya camera...... and just go eat.....

Hehe...............and shopping also.


U got 5 choice....

1. Download them
2. Delete them
3. Don't shoot during this trip
4. Say the magic word and it auto transfer
5. Burn up ya camera...... and just go eat.....

i vote for #2.

wah lao.. u guys are cruel. :eek:

oh yah.. i saw some pics very nice.. long exposure star..erh..tracks? what is it called?
i wanna try ..:sweatsm:

Drivers, have sufficient rest and try to keep ya car exterior dirty.....meaning don't wash for this few days....;)

nvm... worse case... ask fairy to use sio ark to make it dirty

:bsmilie: That depends on other driver, Hanamsc n MLSK. Mine is dirty enough, just went off road over the weekend....

i think the other drivers rather kick sand over their cars vs. sio ark oil... hahaha

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