Freelance Assistant Needed ..

Help needed, as regular just enlisted for army.
$6.00 per hour Simple duty .
Kindly PM details of yourself .
No experience needed, just carry bag or set up light stand.

TKZ for the Respond .

Assistant wanted ..

$15.00 per hour for those with experience . Must be able to handle and setup all equipment .

$6.00 per hour for those with little or without experience . Willing to be happy at work .

Travelling or Lunch time no payment .

Thanks you the Support to All Assistant .

Another Regular Assistant has went to oversea study .. hence looking forward to work with new assistants !!

Assistant wanted !! Week day job only and for the next 2 week I need help .

$6.00 per hour for those with little or no experience .
$10.00 per hour for those with experience .
Meal provided .

TKZ .. PM me your details.

Thank you for the good respond but kindly give pm me more details about yourself .

Asisstant needed for next two week ..PM me your contact .. Simple assist work ..

PM details of yourself if interested .

I see 80% of post from OP "Thank you for good response". If good response, why keep posting?

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Dear Assistant Kindly remember to PM me more of your details .
This two week need Assistant. Regular please Buzz me directly and let me know your schedule.
However in every shoot I could only work with one of you, Please don't be dishearten, I really appreciate all who call and PM me.

The job is just to take care and move equinment around or setup studio flash . SIMPLE duty . Only weekday job.
Hope that answer your quires.

Part time Staff needed for Photoshoot .. Please PM for details , no experience needed .

To clarify I am looking for Assistant to help me in my Shoots .
Student and those without experience are welcome , your duty is to help me during my shoot and move equipment from point to point for setup .

Apologies , inbox full at noon, for those who are not able to send me a PM kindly resend ..Thanks .

Looking for part time assistant on 25 and 28 August 2017 , $7 per hour .. no experience needed , simple setup duty and moving of Photography equipment ..