forum very laggy, will hang and show error page


Oct 10, 2010
hi mods,

forum page is very laggy, and will hang quite frequently, are you all experiencing this as well?

Same here. Sometimes will timeout and fail to load. Seems slightly better this morning? Will load but still laggy.


pettypoh first posted this on 19-May and I still have the same problem as pettypoh as of now ...

It's very laggy and sometimes hang and show error message ....

Will this feedback be looked into ?


Apologies for the lack of information. We have updated the server software and tweaked a few things to hopefully prevent the issue from reoccuring. We will continue to monitor and also appreciate members' feedback when there are slowdowns.

Apologies for the lack of information. We have updated the server software and tweaked a few things to hopefully prevent the issue from reoccuring. We will continue to monitor and also appreciate members' feedback when there are slowdowns.

Thanks Darren,

Would like to provide some feedback that the lagging problem is back ... looks like the issues are not solved yet ...



Apologies for the lack of information. We have updated the server software and tweaked a few things to hopefully prevent the issue from reoccuring. We will continue to monitor and also appreciate members' feedback when there are slowdowns.

Thanks Darren,

Would like to provide some feedback that the lagging problem is back ... looks like the issues are not solved yet ...



We are still troubleshooting the slowdown issues and have tried a few fixes. We will continue to monitor and tweak as necessary. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused.

I haven't noticed it until earlier today...has been working great for past week for myself. I thought maybe I was in trouble and got put on some trolling mod or

Seems to be working a bit better since maintenance shutdown earlier today.

Make sure you have up to date db backup on a couple different machines in case the whole shooting match farts! I have seen it happen just recently with loss of many years worth of information. is acting up again but this time I may have a clue for you that might help to resolve the issue. It appears to be slam firing when I try to post - that is I can make a single post but it is throwing up two copies on the thread. :think:

It has done this to me at least three times today. I have been deleting the extra post.

Thanks Nikonzen. We believe that it is something to do with the database server resources and are looking into it.