Focusing Speed of Tamron 17-50 non VC vs Canon's 17-55


New Member
Oct 20, 2008
Hey peeps, i know the IQ of this both lens are comparable, and IS aint a big issue.

Price is however a big 2 1/2 of tamron if getting canon's. :bigeyes:

Wondering anyone has a hands on the focusing speed of tammy vs canon's? I know canon has USM.

Currently using 18-55 is as walkabout. :)

Focusing - 17-55mm
IQ - 17-55mm
Build - 17-55mm
Price-to-performance - 17-50mm

Focusing - 17-55mm
IQ - 17-55mm
Build - 17-55mm
Price-to-performance - 17-50mm

hey there cartman, i know the 17-55 wins the 17-50 in nearly every area. But im just curious will the AF speed be comparable? To the extend that it can servo moving objects?

As my experience, canon's 17-55 wins almost all of the aspects except value. Take note that the tamron's AF is very loud (have try yesterday,me & myfriend called it "robocop").

The only reason to eyeing tamron is the value. For such performance, it's a bargain.

Yes. The Tamron’s AF is LOUD and slower. But it’s not horrendously slow. Slower definitely, and just that the sound of the motor makes it sound really slow. But it’s really no worst than your kit lens if that’s what you’re wondering.

As dd and Cartman have said, 17-55 wins hands down, except in price and weight. It will take you some getting used to on your 450D.

i've used both and the IQ is comparable with the canon having better contrast.

Tamron tends to hunt more in low light VS canon.

An often neglected aspect and a by product of technological advancement is video. Even tho i don't use it very much, the loud focussing noise of the tamron makes taking video painful on my 550D. The slower focussing and hunting beomes more obvious as u are able to see in real time the split seconds it takes for the tamron to focus vs the canon.

just my opinion but the tamron is great value and served me very well when my budget is limited.

i've used both and the IQ is comparable with the canon having better contrast.

Tamron tends to hunt more in low light VS canon.

An often neglected aspect and a by product of technological advancement is video. Even tho i don't use it very much, the loud focussing noise of the tamron makes taking video painful on my 550D. The slower focussing and hunting beomes more obvious as u are able to see in real time the split seconds it takes for the tamron to focus vs the canon.

just my opinion but the tamron is great value and served me very well when my budget is limited.

You have 550D already?

Focusing - 17-55mm
IQ - 17-55mm
Build - 17-55mm
Price-to-performance - 17-50mm
1 more:
Weight (lighter the better) - 17-50

Ops....500D....not 550D....must be thinking of it when typing as the long awaited firmware update for 500D was pretty disappointing

Ops....500D....not 550D....must be thinking of it when typing as the long awaited firmware update for 500D was pretty disappointing

haha. i was alarmed and about to ask also that u have a 550D already!hehehe. i wonder how much would 550D cost.

I am also considering buying a tamron 17-50 f2.8. any idea how much it costs?

haha. i was alarmed and about to ask also that u have a 550D already!hehehe. i wonder how much would 550D cost.

I am also considering buying a tamron 17-50 f2.8. any idea how much it costs?
About 600 ish first hand,

And about 450-500 on BnS.

It’s the best value kit lens replacement if you can live without IS, and need f2.8

About 600 ish first hand,

And about 450-500 on BnS.

It’s the best value kit lens replacement if you can live without IS, and need f2.8

IS is a very nice feature. but i really want to try an f2.8. I just have a noob question. if you have a f2.8 lenses opened at f5.6 apperture for example, will the lens still accept more light as compared to a f3.6 lens opened at the same f5.6 apperture? noob.hehe

the f stops are standards. They are the same for all lenses. F5.6 is twice as small as F4 and F4 is twice as small as F2.8

To deloi

If the aperture is set at 5.6 then no matter what the largest aperture of the lens is it only opened at 5.6.

Happy shooting ;)

Deloi, one thing though, you may notice a ‘brighter’ viewfinder, because lens open to their max (f2.8 in this case) before stopping down to the set aperture (f5.6 in this case) just before the shot.

got it! thank you sirs!

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Dear TS, I was also in the same boat as you; also on a tight budget. You will definitely encounter a situation when you just wish that you have IS. And yes, all bros have pointed out that 17-55 is better in all aspects but pricing. So it boils down to your budget. It took me a few days to make my decision. ;)

And I didn't regret it.

Thanks for all the kind replies. Took the leap and gotten a 17-55 =) quite happy with the low light AF and the IS helps too =) Just that is quite heavy compared to my previous lens, esp when mounted with flash.

The AF accuracy and speed is quite essential for candids =) But sadly, to some extent.. 1600 ISO with 2.8 still dont really make the cut for low light photography, as subject may move and generate motion blur :dunno: maybe i can make do with lower exposure for the increase in shutter.. but noise at 1600 for 450... maybe a little inbearable :bsmilie:

Thanks for all the kind replies. Took the leap and gotten a 17-55 =) quite happy with the low light AF and the IS helps too =) Just that is quite heavy compared to my previous lens, esp when mounted with flash.

The AF accuracy and speed is quite essential for candids =) But sadly, to some extent.. 1600 ISO with 2.8 still dont really make the cut for low light photography, as subject may move and generate motion blur :dunno: maybe i can make do with lower exposure for the increase in shutter.. but noise at 1600 for 450... maybe a little inbearable :bsmilie:
All I can say the 17-55mm F2.8 lens is a poisonious lens. Once you got it, you hardly want part it away, unless u r moving to FF.