Flowers at the Chinese Garden

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unfortunately, its shots like this that show up the limitation of the built in flash.

BUT, thats no reason why you cant still touch up hot spots or soften the effects of the flash, in your post processing.

i'm still a newbie and still learning how to use photoshop too. just can't wait to strike while the iron still hot.
will try to invest in sb800 soon! ouch! ouch! for my budget. he he he
big thanks and cheers!

bro you had an arranged model shoot there or it was a show???

they look better then flowers;)

it was a show at the chinese garden during the lantern festival last saturday night.
these georgeous ladies performed belly dances.
i shot less when they started to dance. i was totally mesmerized with these beauties and could hardly take my eyes off them as a i admire their gracefullnes and beauty.

Time to get urself a flash unit !!!

Buy Buy Buy !!! ;)

he he he. somebody stop me please.
i never thought photography isn't easy hobby and pretty expensive!
yeah, thinking of getting an sb800!:dunno:


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