First post!: Dawn at Singapore's CBD

sidenote, I am going to get Lightroom soon as well, after hearing all the great stuff about it! :)


PS4 would be better if u could get ur hands on it

PS4 would be better if u could get ur hands on it
hey! :) I have ps4 already. as in adobe cs 4's photoshop yea? haha. 2 softwares i'm looking to get are lightroom and photomatix! speaking about cs4, cs5 seems to have a lot more additions to it! making me so tempted, but I shall wait for more reviews before considering it. hehe.

hey! :) I have ps4 already. as in adobe cs 4's photoshop yea? haha. 2 softwares i'm looking to get are lightroom and photomatix! speaking about cs4, cs5 seems to have a lot more additions to it! making me so tempted, but I shall wait for more reviews before considering it. hehe.

Ya. CS5 can clone away your entire street and even Suntec city :bsmilie:

nice sky color, i never try dawn shooting because i never get up that early but my sunset and early night shooting tells me that raw really helps.
sometime just adjust the color temperature can surprise you

Ya. CS5 can clone away your entire street and even Suntec city :bsmilie:
ya!! so scary. I was reading Digital Life today in the papers and whoa, photo manipulation is easy peasy now! Don't know if its good or bad... >.<


nice sky color, i never try dawn shooting because i never get up that early but my sunset and early night shooting tells me that raw really helps.
sometime just adjust the color temperature can surprise you
hey kareemis,

yeap raw really really helps! did try adjusting the various color temperatures.

honestly, after looking back at the pictures over and over again, i don't really know what I want anymore. I've been asking friends what they feel of the various cuts and amendments, definitely each gave different opinions. hmm...gee. I try to get up for sunrise as much as possible because it's nice. After shooting the sunrise, there is always good light and still air for macro photography nearby. (I tend to shoot in the "wild" haha)


hey! :) I have ps4 already. as in adobe cs 4's photoshop yea? haha. 2 softwares i'm looking to get are lightroom and photomatix! speaking about cs4, cs5 seems to have a lot more additions to it! making me so tempted, but I shall wait for more reviews before considering it. hehe.

with cs4, u dun really need photomatix. as for's useful as a gallery...otherwise, cs4 actually does everything lightroom does. stopped using lightroom ages ago..haha

cs5 shld be pretty good too. if u are uni/going to uni, u shld be able to get it free with ur laptop

with cs4, u dun really need photomatix. as for's useful as a gallery...otherwise, cs4 actually does everything lightroom does. stopped using lightroom ages ago..haha

cs5 shld be pretty good too. if u are uni/going to uni, u shld be able to get it free with ur laptop
really? not too sure about that. Somehow I get the info that photomatix is better than what cs 4 has. time to go check softwares out. i've heard great things about lightroom from my photographer friends though, but definitely going to check it out before making any decisions. Gee, I'm already in Uni. That means no accompanied cs5. :(! haha!
