First Macro Fish Pics with the E-300

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Nov 7, 2003
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These are some of the first macro fish pics I have just taken with the Olympus E-300 and Zuiko Digital ED 50mm f/2.0 Macro lens.


Freshwater Hatchet Fish


Phago loricatus (Congo Armor Bill Tetra)


Blue-Spotted Goby


Asprotilapia leptura (Purple Zambian Cichlid)


Uaru fernandezyepezi


Did you process the pictures differently from those taken with the Canon?

These don't look over sharpened at all. Very natural. Especially the last picture.


benny said:

Did you process the pictures differently from those taken with the Canon?

These don't look over sharpened at all. Very natural. Especially the last picture.

No. I processed them the same way. I did take some with the 20D at the same time but didn't have the time to process them yet.

But my initial impressions as I took the photos last night was that the Zuiko lens is sharper, has a better coating (can take some shots that the sigma had problems with like 'fogging' or flares), gave nicer colours (at least from the LCD screen when I played back). So the differences could be more or less lens-related.

But then, I find that I seem to like the colours that came out of the Olympus Master after converting from RAW. They somehow seems to be more punchy and easier to post-process than those taken with Canon DSLRs. The colours of the same Olympus RAW files processed in ACR 2.4 are not so nice though they may be slightly more detailed in very busy shots.

tomcat said:
But my initial impressions as I took the photos last night was that the Zuiko lens is sharper, has a better coating (can take some shots that the sigma had problems with like 'fogging' or flares), gave nicer colours (at least from the LCD screen when I played back). So the differences could be more or less lens-related.
I am wondering if sensor has anything to do with it, given enough light. The oly sensor might be noisier and smaller, but..... 20D CMOS has that characteristic smooth look if you know what i mean. Both are 8MP and do Bayer Interpolation.

Anyway, nice pics. From CF again i presume? :D

Actually have you tried something like Lumiquest Softbox? It should work quite well since you are so near. Sold mine for a cheap $30. No real setup, it's "stuck" to your flash.

2100 said:
Actually have you tried something like Lumiquest Softbox? It should work quite well since you are so near. Sold mine for a cheap $30. No real setup, it's "stuck" to your flash.

Do you find that to be better than the Omnibounce?


2100 said:
Actually have you tried something like Lumiquest Softbox? It should work quite well since you are so near. Sold mine for a cheap $30. No real setup, it's "stuck" to your flash.
Flash accessories like Lumiquest Softbox and Omnibounce soften and diffuse the light from the flash but they also cut down the flash output substantially.

I only use 1 mounted flash for such shoots due to space and time constraints. Also, I am shooting using high speed flash synch mode so that I could get higher shutter speeds and smaller apertures and this in itself cuts down the reach of the flash dramatically especially through water. Therefore I need all the flash output that I can muster and cannot afford to reduce the output further with softboxes.

If my set-up is a lit studio tank and I have a multiple flash gig and therefore abundance of light, then this might be viable. Maybe Benny can give it a try and see if the use of softboxes would improve the quality of the images obtained. :think:

benny said:
Do you find that to be better than the Omnibounce?
Definitely, of coz! :D I think both have different usages. Omnibounce really needs something close by as well as suitable to bounce, else it would be as "bad" as direct flash or it could be worse (ie colour cast). Really cuts down on the flash power, did not touch it after shooting with it once.
For aquarium shooting, seriously i don't know where/what to bounce.

The Lumiquest softbox is actually a 6-inch by 5-inch kinda mini softbox. It does not protrude farther beyond your usual macro lenses like tamron sp90 (i was using 28-75/2.8 even which is shorter). And since we are talking about aquarium photography, the subjects are nearby so there should be enough power. The approx 1-stop loss is usually not an issue unless you are the type who shoots iso100 at f16 for the DOF. ;p I remember with my tank lights (nothing much, 30W x 2 FL for a 3-footer), SB-800, f5.6, iso800 i could even burst for quite a couple. But for me i can sync up to 1/500 which is enough, mine's not FP sync.

. Anyway, don't blind them fishes by using iso100. :angel:

The 6-inch box actually produces quite soft shadows if you are near the tank, if there are any shadows like say on the substrate. But i know for glittery fishes like
alonoucara hanabensche (what the fish how to spell :bsmilie: ) Malawian cichlid, you do get slightly less of the glitter with less intensity, less "reflective detail".

Tomcat : No worries lar, 550/580EX, SB-800 more than enough power. :cool: 1 stop nia.

tomcat said:
Maybe Benny can give it a try and see if the use of softboxes would improve the quality of the images obtained. :think:

I use tissue paper. Cheaper and easily disposable. And if necessary rubber band to tie the tissue paper to the flash.

I can't afford that many Omnibounce or Lumiquest.


2100 said:
No worries lar, 550/580EX, SB-800 more than enough power. :cool: 1 stop nia.

Hmm.. if only one stop, maybe can try and see....


Tissue paper will work as well as a lumiquest softbox i guess if it's big enough. But it's gotta be a big piece of tissue and you lose much much more light (it works like a very very big but bare bulb).'s 5x7 inches. Attaches using velcro. Too expensive though, i got it at 52 bucks and sold it for 30.

But nothing beats my flash extender. 70 bucks for 2 lousy pcs of plastic, 1 fresnel and 1 high-class rubber band. :sweatsm: Oh yeah, 1 small small piece of velcro to tilt the flash head up. Cannot DIY easily and get a good setup for good field use.

I just wrap the tissue over the flash and it's good enough. No need for large pieces leh.

Sometimes I use normal white paper if I need it even more diffused.


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