Finally, a FREE software to check shutter count on a Mac.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2012
Stumbled upon this thread when searching for a software to check shutter count of my newly acquired 7D that was purchased used from our B&S. I am a Mac user and previously there is no Free software that was developed for Mac.

Previously, I have to pay in order to check the shutter count for my 1DIV and 5DIII using EOS Count. To check on the accuracy of the new software, my 5DIII was checked using EOS Count again as I have paid for the unlimited checking plan from EOS Count. I then use the new software to check the 5DIII. The result from EOS Count software and the new free software is accurate!

Yay! Finally, there is a free program to check shutter count for Mac users.

I then used the software to check on the 7D and 1DX. It generates a result, but could not check on the accuracy. (Sorry, my 7D and 1DX have no comparison software to compare like my 5DIII)

p/s - I am just sharing the above information. Downloading and using the software is at your own risk and please do not hold me liable if there is anything wrong to your camera or Mac. Cheers!

Previously, I have to pay in order to check the shutter count for my 1DIV and 5DIII using EOS Count.

Who/which company asked you to pay and how much did you pay?
Why charge money for something so trivial 举手之劳 ?
Don't you have close friends who use Windows based PCs who can do that check for you?
This kind of check only needs to be done once or a few times in the life of each camera.

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You sounds so worked out. Relax lah bro. Chill.

The paying and all those are immaterial for further discussion. It is just part of the materialistic world we are living in today. Those people felt that since they have developed some "special" software, they have the right to put a price to the service if you need it. It is an open market. They are also not forcing you to buy their software. I chose to buy it because I need to know the exact shutter count of the camera before I put it on sale. I am not the kind of person to bother a friend just to use his PC-based computer to check the shutter count. It is either I go CSC, pay $15 to check the shutter count (if I am not wrong) or buy this kind of available software and DIY at home.

Who/which company asked you to pay and how much did you pay? If it is a person, then name that idiot.
Did they become millionaires overnight after they charged you money for that small favour?
They did not? Then what is the point? Why charge money for something so trivial 举手之劳 ?
Don't you have close friends who use Windows based PCs who can do that check for you?
This kind of check only needs to be done once or a few times in the life of each camera.

Works great on my 5D Mark 3. Thanks for sharing this!

To the best of my knowledge, eoscount is free all along...

When Sergey Vasilevskiy first created EOSCount it was Freeware.
Then in February 2012, it became Payware.
US$1.50 per read. Then later US$4.59 per camera for unlimited readings for any particular camera.

Now you MUST pay for using EOSCount. Regardless of Windows or Mac based.

Hmm...maybe Sergei bought a Lamborghini or a few landed properties.

There is another Freeware named EOSInfo for Windows users.
Can use on Canon 40D, 50D, 450D, 500D, 1000D and 5D Mk2. i.e. on Canon Digic III or Digic IV DSLRs --- but NOT the 1D* series.

Mac users can try 40DShutterCount utility.

For some Nikon DSLR, apparently no issue since shutter count seems embedded in EXIF and easy to check that.


I think Singapore CSC was either stupid or short-sighted to charge money (is it $15?). This should be a free service to consumers who bought Canon DSLRs.

Checking shutter count is not a complicated procedure like open heart surgery or building a nuclear reactor. It only takes about 3 seconds to connect a mini-USB cable and to click an icon on the computer LCD screen. The dialogue box then pops up with the shutter count instantly.

That is it.

You may even be able to train a monkey to do it. There is not need for CSC to employ a PHD to do this.
The last time I went to their Vivo City showroom/front desk, it was staffed by low wage Foreign workers.
There is no justification to charge $15 per reading. It should be free.

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Agree. Sadly this is what consumerism has brought us today.
Nevertheless, I think there are many free programs too such as checkyourshutter and a recent eosmsg whose code is copied from eoscount I think so there might be copyright issues.

I think Singapore CSC was either stupid or short-sighted to charge money (is it $15?). This should be a free service to consumers who bought Canon DSLRs.

I believe they want to avoid the potential of getting obscenely swamped if shutter count checks are made free. I can already imagine the inescapable consequences..

Canon should just embed the information in exif (like nikon) .

I believe they want to avoid the potential of getting obscenely swamped if shutter count checks are made free. I can already imagine the inescapable consequences..

Canon should just embed the information in exif (like nikon) .

Agreed. I believe this can be included in any new firmware.

o it. There is not need for CSC to employ a PHD to do this.
The last time I went to their Vivo City showroom/front desk, it was staffed by low wage Foreign workers.
There is no justification to charge $15 per reading. It should be free.
Then please go an do it. You are perfectly qualified: No PhD, the mentality that simple things should be for free. You are a Singaporean, so the FW can be sent home.
Problem solved for many customers.
Just don't ask us how you will pay your own bills ...

works with 5Dmk2, but doesn't work with 5Dmk3 with 1.2.1 firmware :(

Cannot be lei. My 5D3 is ok. You might want to log off the utility and launch it again. As mentioned by the programmer, this utility is not stable and might need a reset after reading a device.

I believe they want to avoid the potential of getting obscenely swamped if shutter count checks are made free. I can already imagine the inescapable consequences..

Canon should just embed the information in exif (like nikon) .

Agree that encoding it in EXIF is a good way.

Canon Corporation is a ¥3.93 Trillion company. It does not need this kind of small change from $15 per shutter count reading.
It is big in office business machines.

If Canon insists on charging money so that its customers are discouraged from seeking this simple and easily done shutter count service, then it is a horrible mistake. A narrow minded and foolish attitude that turns off its customers.

If Canon is swamped it is an extremely good sign that should be welcome. That means Canon has sold many DSLRs and managed to hold on to a large market share. Providing this ridiculously simple service free is an opportunity for Canon to prove that it gives excellent after sales service. And in the process, impress its customers so they don't migrate on to other brands.

It is unlikely that many Canon DSLR owners will take leave, make a special journey to CSC to ask for shutter count, just because it is free. Thus, Canon need not worry about being swamped. It will not happen.

Canon can incorporate this shutter count into its camera servicing process. Whenever a customer sends in his Canon DSLR for servicing (which he pays for), CSC can provide a report on shutter count FOC.

Some of us only need to do shutter count once or a few times in the life of the camera. Maybe before you buy one second hand.
It may be good to know once, because we are curious. But once we know the shutter count for a particular camera, we are unlikely to keep re-checking shutter count of that same camera very often after that.

Many camera owners do not worry much about shutter count. Because they are first owners (i.e. the DSLR is not second hand) and occasional weekend or on-tour usage will never exceed the stated shutter life expectancy, especially since we buy new models after a few years:

Canon EOS Digital Rebel T1i / 500D - 100,000
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi / 450D - 100,000
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D - 50,000
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT / 350D - 50,000
Canon EOS 60D - 100,000
Canon EOS 50D - 100,000
Canon EOS 40D - 100,000
Canon EOS 30D - 100,000
Canon EOS 20D - 50,000
Canon EOS 7D - 150,000
Canon EOS 5D Mark III - 150,000
Canon EOS 5D Mark II - 150,000
Canon EOS 5D - 100,000
Canon EOS 1D X - 400,000
Canon EOS 1D Mark IV - 300,000
Canon EOS 1D Mark III - 300,000
Canon EOS 1D Mark II N - 200,000
Canon EOS 1DS Mark III - 300,000
Canon EOS 1DS Mark II - 200,000

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I not worked out. I just surprised. :)