Favourite Cheap Flim

Favourite easily available flim (ISO200)

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none of the above.

supra 100 was going for $4 at Foto Guide. they're both history now tho...

i'm FUJI through and through.
but i would love to switch to AGFA soon!

i'm certain we all uses different films for different locations and scenarios?

some said KODAK gives a WARMER TONE while others claimed that FUJI gives a COOLER TONE. vice vera too!

it is really hard to pinpoint....

fuji superia 400 for my night shots(mostly no flash, manual settings and switch to BULB).

daytime cheap film ah?
superia 100. best price for a good film.
some $3.50? forgot.... or is it $3?

used to get all my fujis from FOTOGUDIE.
but now, switch to the fuji shop at peninsula, near Bata.

i don't like to give my tiny business, however tiny it is, to a big shot company like CATHAY. nothing personal. but i rather gif my little support to the smaller players in the market. just my little way of trying to help them stay in the business.

but sometimes, somethings can't be helped. =)

cheers brothers!!

yeah babe yeah!!!!

difficult to find superia 100 now... most of the shops i visited only carried 200.... same for kodak too...

btw, i just bought FUJI REALA. ISO 100 film at some S$7.50!
wa.... never try it before...
but i was thinking...another S$2 i can get the velvia....

the nice old gentleman assured me that the colours are splendid!
so i thought i can give it a try.

but i'm very disappointed that i can't buy the S$3.50 Superia 100.

can anyone confirm this?
are they gonna phase out those as well?

FUJI FUJI!! tell me how?!

hehehe... yeah babe yeah!!

photofriend sometimes sells 4 rolls of Kodak Max 400 for $9.90, but the guy there told me they will expire in about a year. still, they are cheap...


My fav films are Superia 400 and 200 respectively..
I always keep some films in my fridge for emergency purposes.

I bought 3 rolls of superia for 12 bucks (at orchard, no choice), with a free CR123A batt....

Anyone wonders whether CP/AP does have the free batt coupled with it?

This thread brought back some of my memories...

'Cos I remembered a couple years back when I was still in Poly I was required to do this assignment for school which required us to take photos. I didn't have time to drop by Ruby/anywhere near Peninsular Plaza to get some good quality films so I just grabbed a couple of Kodak Gold from NTUC.

Sent it in for developing and was shocked to see that the photos came out grainy for an ISO200 film. I was quite disgusted with Kodak Gold from then. But friends said it could be the paper used along with a variety of other reasons.

Fujifilm XTRA 400 for color neg
Kodak TMAX 400 for b/w neg
By the way, where to get the Kodak gold in singapore?

Sent it in for developing and was shocked to see that the photos came out grainy for an ISO200 film. I was quite disgusted with Kodak Gold from then. But friends said it could be the paper used along with a variety of other reasons.

i got back into film, only develop plus scan (4 base). i can see the grain even at the low res of "4 base"

thinking low res not enuff resolution, i asked for 16 base scanning. the film is really grainy:bigeyes:

btw i'm referring to kodak gold 200. the 100 is somewhat less grainy i think. wonder if the quality dropped over the years, or it's the scanning:dunno:

just sent in a velvia 100F. hope that turns out better though it's not "original" velvia

Fujifilm XTRA 400 for color neg
Kodak TMAX 400 for b/w neg
By the way, where to get the Kodak gold in singapore?

kodak gold is available at mustafa. under three bucks a roll for the 100, abt 3 or so for the 200.

don't dare to try the 400 after the grain on the 200. for nite scenes, the grain in the shadows is really "artistic":bsmilie:

apparently there was no colour correction or anything done. so not sure if the excess grain is because of that.;p

I just fell in love with kodak tri-x recently, not cheap though:(

wow, how did this thread come back to life. Been away from flim for quite a few years, although I still keep a roll handy for my SLRs. Actually, nowadays it is not easy to find ISO100 flim.

i like film slr...good old workhorse.

i like fuji reala but expensive. price did not change much since 2003, just bought one at $7.50. Wow:bigeyes:

i tot i can get fuji superia 200 everywhere i go..hahahaha even kodak shop sell them at 10buck per 3 rolls.

i love the color and its availability. ups for fuji!

Just bought 2 rolls of Fuji superia a couple of days back, gonna go shooting with film in my comming short break from work. Both my DSLR will take a backseat for once...;)

FUJI for me

I don't really like Fuji films as it gives me a green tint (which looks unnatural to me) on my photos. :confused:

I prefer the Kodak Ultramax films.
It have a warmer tone but to me, it is nicer.

Konica (now DNP) Centuria. Cheap, good, and yields nice results when you use it with blue skies. Wide exposure latitude, forgiving, and great value if you want to play with lomo cams on a budget.

Premium film......ahh now that is a different story ;)

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