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New Member
comments, critiques, suggestion.. thank you. :sweat:




hi melvinfoo

overall nice pics...ok here's my critique:

pic1: posture too stiff. notice the deep neck creases and the unnatural angle of the head

pic2: neck disappeared! shoot with the sun behind u and use a reflector bounce sunlight off to light up the neck. head outline also blend into backgd

pic3: neck dark same as pic2. meter the face with spot metering (if u using SLR). distracting yellow line @ left side of pic

juz some observations.... :D

des, :) thanks for the comments.

yea... these days everyday is a rainy days. can't help... but i think not a good excuses also... :D still need a lot more hardwork.

shooting alone, in between the building..didn't catch much lights. i think next time i will go there more prepared.


I think what stands out most in your picture is the white tank top your model is wearing.
To make her stand out more rather than what she is wearing, you may have to choose the back drop of your picture carefully.

My suggestion is that you choose a backdrop which is not as dark as what you have in the picture.. but if that is the look you are looking for, you need good lighting to bring out your subject. ;)

Little tip - it is difficult to expose dark skinned models wearing light coloured clothing. Your camera will want to find the midtone and either overexpose the clothes or underexpose the face. If I were you, I would shoot RAW and make adjustments later. Or, you could meter and lock exposure on the model's face, and allow the clothes to blow out.

Better still, get the model to wear something midtoned or dark coloured.

I like the first shot best, but i think maybe it needs a bit more of fill-in light/, shud use a reflector! ( i swear by them:bsmilie: ) . she has lovely eyes, could focus/emphasize them more maybe?

thx for sharing

Amfibius, thanks for the tip... yea.. finding a balance in this is kind of hard, when i do post processing, i try to achieve the balance between the skin and the cloth but seems not quite well achieve, your tips will be kept in my mind for next round of shooting.

evildolly, her eye is not that 'sexy' before this, she seems like to stare instead of calmly look at the camera, so i did have some guides and reviews while on this shooting session and this picture is one of the best eye i must say, sad part is her cloth and also my grip on this D100 is still new, kind of regret didn't shoot her in raw.

light, i think if this pic is for shirt ads... it might be achieve objective? :D

thanks guys for the inputs! thanks :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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