F31fd pics samples

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Hi everyone, just got back from Bintan and wanted to share some of my favourite pics taken with my F31fd (pics taken straight from the cam)




Morning sun:

Those are really nice pics man! I'm getting the cam for my birthday in about 11 days...I can't wait.....

Thks for viewing...:p

this is a thread meant for showcasing the capability of the F31fd and is not meant as a personal thread for showcasing ur fotos like the APAD thread or the other gallery threads like landscape... night-photography etc.

i would suggest that u start posting and showcasing ur fotos in the appropriate sections and galleries.


this is a thread meant for showcasing the capability of the F31fd and is not meant as a personal thread for showcasing ur fotos like the APAD thread or the other gallery threads like landscape... night-photography etc.

i would suggest that u start posting and showcasing ur fotos in the appropriate sections and galleries.


Deleted all my pics....i won't be posting anymore...

hmmm, the paramount question arises.. do u use a tripod for ur nite shots?

Unfortunately, no, I didn't use a tripod as I didn't have time to zoom by SLS....Would you think using a tripod would be much better for the night shot?

What abou the fireworks?

Unfortunately, no, I didn't use a tripod as I didn't have time to zoom by SLS....Would you think using a tripod would be much better for the night shot?

What abou the fireworks?

Fren, tripod is a MUST for nite & fireworks photography unless u are in abstract photography with ghosting pics.

wana ask u guys, the 1 year warrenty is local or international?


wana ask u guys, the 1 year warrenty is local or international?

I knew singapore set can claim warranty in Malaysia.

But Japan set can't.

So not really know what kind of warranty system from Fuji. :dunno:

Maybe you can call and ask them (remember to update us here):angel:

Loved your postings. Mind telling us what mode and setting you used to take those wonderful photos ?


Thanks bro but i still got a lot a lot to learn.. I forgot wat were the settings already after deleting from my cam. Well, for a newbiw like me i find that F31fd is very easy to use.. So far i havent tried using the manual mode. For this shot, i used the macro/flower settings in the N/SP mode.. Just need to take note of the lighting and angle so that ISO will be lower and snap with steady hands.. :bsmilie:

Thank you.
Thanks bro but i still got a lot a lot to learn.. I forgot wat were the settings already after deleting from my cam. Well, for a newbiw like me i find that F31fd is very easy to use.. So far i havent tried using the manual mode. For this shot, i used the macro/flower settings in the N/SP mode.. Just need to take note of the lighting and angle so that ISO will be lower and snap with steady hands.. :bsmilie:

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