F31fd pics samples

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But all your shots look like a pro to me :thumbsup:
Thanks for sharing very nice indeed :)

Your kind and great comments really make me fly.. :bsmilie:
I just bought the f31fd after hearing that it will be discontinued, and brought it with me to Phuket but forgot to bring the free tripod. Really no regrets at all, what a magnificent PnS camera.. Very easy to use too.. This is my 1st digi cam and i hope to learn more from u guys here and improve my snapping skills. :D

reopened due to popular demand!

:bsmilie: its too popular a camera but guys, if u guys are keen to share ur fotos, do consider posting them up in the relevant galleries to get some comments and suggestion on how to improve.


gubble80 - thanks for the pics! - they look great!

I've done my reading and have settled on the F32fd.
I think I've missed the shows, so an idea where to get it and how much to pay? :)

Hi everyone, I need your good advice. I recently have just started to "venture" into night shots with my F31FD. However, I haven't been able to get good, clear shots of night scenes. I need a couple of advice, such as how to take a good photo of fireworks and not ended up like this?


I took this photo with the Fireworks mode....and it turned out to be disappointing:thumbsd:

And also, how do I get a better shot of such photo like this one below???


F50FD yes
F40FD yes
F32FD anyone??

Ah yes..... the forum geek strikes!
Since I'm posting on a thread for F31fd sample pics, I think the typo is pretty obvious.
Thanks for pointing it out.....;p

I made a couple of calls and found a retailer who has it in stock i.e. not display model.

i check mustafa is selling at $469 with 1G card n casing.

where else is selling at a good price for the 31fd?

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